How to Host a Cocktail Party Responsibly

Obviously, a cocktail party means alcohol, and plenty of it. Most everyone knows not to drink in excess, but there are a few measures that can be taken by you, the host, to ensure that no one loses control. It only takes one alcohol impaired guest to ruin your affair and everyone’s spirits.
Most importantly, you are also responsible for your guest’s health and welfare, and you could be held accountable for any undesirable actions that occur due to a guest over-indulging himself in too much alcohol, regardless of the fact that you are adults.
Often overlooked, you should keep a suitable supply of non-alcoholic beverages on hand for anyone who may be driving or simply does not wish to drink. This can be anything from non-alcoholic cocktails or beer, water, soda, coffee, juice, etc. However, we all know that the flavor of a cocktail or punch is something of much desire. Browse your local supermarket or search online for recipes on how to make some delicious cocktails and frozen drinks without using any alcohol. Your non-drinking guests will certainly appreciate it.
While the main guest of honor at a cocktail party is of course, the cocktail itself, your party will be a dreadful disaster without food. Aside from satisfying your hungry guests, consumption of food will help to balance out the consumption of alcohol. You will not need to prepare a feast, a generous helping of hors d’oeuvres, finger foods, and chips and snacks will be sufficient.
A little known fact is how various mixers can help absorb alcohol quicker into the bloodstream. Water will help slow the reaction, while mixing a drink with soda tends to increase the absorption. You may want to consider this if you are planning a specific cocktail menu.
People sometimes have a tendency to prepare drinks leaning toward the strong side. You should try to avoid this. Guests will finish a drink just as quickly regardless of how much alcohol it contains, and become intoxicated quicker. As a responsible host, you will also want to keep tabs on how much your guests have had to drink. If you feel a particular guest has imbibed too much, simply pull them aside and quietly let them know that you will be unable to serve them anymore alcohol. The task is sometimes unpleasant, but it simply must be done. It is also a good idea to “close the bar” at a designated time as you are nearing the end of the party, thus giving everyone ample time to begin to sober up.
Obviously, you will not want to allow any of your guests to drive home drunk. You will need to provide transportation for any guests who may have drank too much if they have no designated drivers and your other guests are unable to take them home.
A cocktail party should not just be about drinking. Activities will make the party more enjoyable as well as keep your guests from returning to the bar too quickly. Remember, whenever alcohol is involved at any party, the key word is “safety”. Ensuring your guests have a fabulous time while at the same time keeping them drinking responsibly may be a handful of work, but when your party is deemed a success, you will be thankful you followed these simple steps.