How to Install Horse Fencing

-Douglas Macarthur
You surely don’t want to give your horse an opportunity to escape. Installing horse fence is a necessity for the security and well being of your animal. It reduces the risks of horse injury and minute by minute checking. In addition, installing fences secures your horses from unwanted harmful visitors.
Installing horse fence helps a great deal in grazing and managing other activities of your horses. It is also effective in keeping the animals in groups according to their age, sex and other factors.
Some steps to follow on how to install horse fence:
• The kind and size of the fence should be in accordance with the number of horses you want to keep in.
• Keep in mind the locale where the fence has to be installed.
• The next step is the lay out drawing which shows the proposed gates, fence lines, streams and traffic routes for horses.
Hiring the contractor for horse fence:
Contact different contractors and check out the material they provide for horse fencing. Strong material would be reliable as horses are powerful animals.
It is recommended, if you hire a contractor affiliated with the American Fence Association (AFA). AFA members follow a strict outline of ethics and are kept updated with new products and techniques. AFA members are backed by Ethics and Grievance Board which helps in resolving any problem which occurs.
Selecting a fence type
Once you have gone through the hiring procedure, the next step is to choose the fence which has to be built up.
The major considerations while going for a fence should be safety, budget and maintenance.
Kinds of material available for horse fencing:
Electric Fencing:
You can easily get electrified fencing in PVC-coated wire, net and plait. The horses are trained to stay away from the fence. If they touch the fence, they receive an electric shock
Vinyl fencing
Vinyl fences have white enwrap. The whiter enwrap keep the horses away from the fence. This Vinyl fence is strong and durable. It is also a reliable method of keeping the horses encaged.
Flexible Fence with High-Tensile Wire:
Plastic-coated high tensile are cheap means of horse fencing. These fencings are diversified and offer the owner to select any fence of his choice.
Wire net fencing
Wire net fencing is another alternative you have. It is made of galvanized wire. The best feature it has besides being clearly noticeable and rust resistant is that it possesses smaller openings. These smaller openings prevent the horses from stepping through it.
Wood fencing:
Generally the wood fences are painted white or black. At times, they are stained making it attractive. The disadvantage in wood fences is; they can be easily damaged by horses and can rot. Hence, they require extra maintenance. You can even add electric wires to wooden fences, to keep horses away from damaging it.
Plastic-coated Wood fencing
These are the most mod form of fencing. They are made of both wood and vinyl. Therefore, they possess the charm of wood and the benefits of plastic.
After all of this has been decided, install a fence that allows easy access to the pasture and does not in any way hinders the performance of the stable chores.