How to Install Plugins in WordPress

Plugins can really enhance your WordPress site. There are many plugins to choose from when using wordpress. For example, the poll plugin. That is a nice plugin to have for interaction on your site.

Download the plugin that you want to install on your desktop. (Note: If you plan to download a lot of plugins, I would create a folder on the desktop to keep the desktop from getting cluttered.) Once your plugin has downloaded you will need to unzip it. Now you will need to use a program to upload your file to the server. You can go through the Cpanel or use a program like WSftp.

Upload the plugin from your desktop and place it in the plugin folder on your server. It will be under wp-content/plugins. Then click upload.

Now you will need to go to your WordPress Admin Panel and follow the steps below.

Step 1 – Login to your WordPress Admin Panel.

Step 2 – Click on Plugins in the main menu.

Step 3 – Locate the name of your plugin in the list on that page.

Step 4 – Now click Activate.

Some Plugins require more work. For example, if you installed the Marquee Plugin, you will need to configure it further. You can do this by clicking on Options at the top of your WordPress window. Now you will see sub-categories under that. The name of your plugin should be listed as a sub-category if you need to configure it further.

I’ll use the Marquee for example.. You will need to enter what you want the Marquee to say, how you want it to appear, what direction you want it to go, how wide it will be, and how tall it will be. Then you would click Marquee It.

That is just an example. If your wordpress site messes up and it will from time to time when you install a plugin, just go to your plugins folder on your server and delete it. It will deactivate the plugin and your site will return back to normal.

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