How to Install Vinyl Windows: It is Worth the Time and Investment in Money Saved Later?

First you have to make sure you know what you are doing with this process. So, I will walk you through this step by step. That way you will get it done the correct way. Buy your vinyl windows from a reputable source. The newer choices today are the best available. Do not use older ones or this will do you absolutely no good in cost efficiency of the energy use of your home.

You will need these things to do this project:

measuring tape

screw- driver


wood pieces to act as temp. hold

caulking gun

caulking weather-proof

something to pry old windows out. Such as a crow bar.

vinyl windows

Now you want to measure the window opening exactly. That information is very important. To measure the size required, open the lower sash and get your measurement from jamb to jamb exact. Now, repeat this in three places at about halfway at the top and the bottom. Next order your windows. Be sure to get the measurements exact or you will loose the cost of the window. You can not generally return these things once they are ordered. So, get it right. This is how to install vinyl windows the right way.

Now you want to measure the height on the space. Do so by measuring from top jam down to the sloped sill. You want to do this to the point where it meets the inside of the window sill plus 1/8 cm. Measure each window of the house for this if you are installing more than one window. Never assume that each is exactly the same. Remember, a little time now will save you hassles later. So be prepared. Installing vinyl windows is simple if you know how to do it. Take your time, be accurate and check your work.

Once the windows arrive and you may begin the installation process, remove the old sash. Normally these have two removable stops in sets. Also remember that the outside stop is nailed and cannot be removed. Get the inside stops off with some force, and do so carefully as they can be re-used. Cut the sash ropes, the lower sash, and the blind stop. Set those aside as well.

Next, you want to remove the upper sash. Set the new window in place carefully. Measure the gap between the front and the sloped sill of the window. Get a piece of wood that matches that to prop that up for now. Use a carpenters square to set the window and careful push the sides directly behind the screw holes in the window jam. Now replace the inside stop.

Go inside of the house and check the operation of the window. Does it behave as it should when used? Then you have it right. Now, simply place a bead string of caulking all around the window to seal the gap, as you remove the boards holding the window in place at the outside stop. Make sure the caulking is a complete line with no gaps to ensure the cost of energy efficiency later. Allow this to set and check it once more. Fix any oversights now. That’s it.

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