How to Install a Peephole for Better Home Security

Materials needed to install a peephole are simple. You will need a peephole purchased from a hardware or home improvement store, a drill with appropriate bits (more on that later), an appropriate screwdriver, tape measure, and a pencil. You may also need a small file or rasp to clean up the hole made through the door. Determine the thickness of your door and go purchase a peephole, making certain it will work with your door thickness. Once you have purchased the peephole read the package to determine the size of the hole that is needed. You will need to have a spade bit or other hole making drill bit of the appropriate size. You will also need a smaller bit, 1/8 to 1/4 of an inch to make a pilot hole.
You will need to decide where to locate the hole on the door. Be mindful of designs in the door and other obstructions (door knockers, storm doors, etc) when placing the hole. If children are to use the peephole be certain to locate the hole at a height they can easily use. When you have decided upon the proper height of the peephole, use the tape measure to center the hole on the door. Mark this location with a pencil. You should probably again measure at this time to assure you have the center of the door.
Now that you have found where you want to install the peephole you will need to drill a small hole to pilot the spade bit. Using the smaller drill bit, drill a hole completely through the door. You are now ready to use the spade bit to drill the larger hole. As the spade bit drills through the door it may make some splinters in the door as it exits the far side of the door. For this reason you will need to do one of the following: cover the area of the hole on the far side of the door with masking tape or drill halfway from one side and then finish drilling it from the other. Be certain you the drill at as close to a right angle as possible to assure a level hole is drilled.
Once you have drilled the hole, use the small file or rasp if needed to smooth out any rough areas. Now, install the peephole according to the package instructions. Be certain the peephole is installed correctly before securing it per the package instructions.