How to Install a Roof Ridge Vent

To install a ridge vent, you should begin by removing the ridge cap on the ridge of the house with a prybar. This tutorial assumes that you have asphalt roofing; other roofing types may need different techniques and require a different installation method.
With the ridge caps removed you can then cut the hole along the ridge of the roof. Read the instructions that come with your ridge vent carefully, each manufacturer has different width recommendations, so be sure to follow them. Using your manufacturer’s recommendations, snap a chalk line that delineates how wide the opening should be.
Now you can cut the hole in the roof using a circular saw. Be sure to set the saw to cut through the roofing and sheathing, but not cut through the rafters at all. I recommend that you do a test cut on a piece of lumber and carefully measure the depth before you make the actual cut. It is also important to know the exact depth of your roofing and sheathing to know how far to cut. When you are ready to cut, cut out the top of the roof that you have marked, starting your cut 12 inches from the outside edge of the exterior wall and ending at the same distance away from the other exterior wall.
Pry up the pieces you have just cut out. You should have created a long, narrow rectangle, which will be your vent opening. Next, you should mark the actual width of the ridge vent using a chalk line. Take the width of the ridge vent, divide by two and then measuring from the midpoint of your roof opening, and snap a chalk line at that point.
With the area for the ridge vent carefully marked, you can install the roof ridge vent material over the peak of the roof. Use nails spaced eight inches apart, or according to the manufacturer’s recommendations, to secure the edges of the roof vent. Be sure the nails are long enough to reach the sheathing, but not extend past it. If you must use multiple pieces of the roof ridge material to cover the vent, do not overlap the pieces, just butt them together and be sure to nail the edges securely.
Now you should replace the roof ridge caps that are made of asphalt. Depending on the condition of your old ridge caps, you may have to purchase new caps. Each cap should be installed with two roofing nails, one on either side, of each cap. You should overlap the caps just as they were installed on your roof previous to installing the vent.
Installing a roof vent is an easy job, but a costly one if you make a mistake while cutting your roof. Be sure that you are comfortable with the steps outlined in this process and can successfully complete them before starting the job. If you are in any way unsure, call a professional who can complete the job for you and will be responsible for any problems.