How to Install a Stainless Steel Soap Dispenser onto a Kitchen Sink

Have you been thinking about investing in a stainless steel soap dispenser for your stainless steel sink? If so, you may want to install the soap dispenser yourself. Based on my experience, it will take you 30 minutes or less to complete a stainless steel soap dispenser install. Here’s how to do it:

Supplies Needed

In order to complete this DIY kitchen project, you will need to obtain a stainless steel soap dispenser ($55), a knockout punch kit ($15), an automatic center punch ($3), a basin wrench ($16), a power drill with small drill bits ($45) and a container of non-staining plumbers’ putty ($8).

Select a Location

Start the project by taking a peek under your kitchen sink. Look for areas that are big enough to accommodate your soap dispenser’s reservoir. Once you’ve located those areas, decide which one would make the best spot for your soap dispenser. Then, mark out that area on your kitchen sink’s rear rim with a grease pencil. When doing so, make sure that you allow enough room for your soap dispenser’s pump flange to rest well within the sink’s rimmed area.

Create a Hole

With your pencil lines in place, use an automatic center punch to mark the center of your targeted installation area. Next, grab your power drill and outfit it with the smallest drill bit that you can find. Personally, I’d suggest that you use a 1/8-inch drill bit. Use it to slightly widen the hole made by your automatic center punch.

Afterward, take out your knockout punch kit and examine its pilot bolt. You will want to use drill bits of various sizes to make your pilot hole just big enough to accommodate the knockout punch’s pilot bolt. Once that task is complete, insert the pilot bolt into the hole on your kitchen sink’s rim. Continue by using the knockout punch to cut a perfectly shaped hole into your kitchen sink’s rim.

Install the Pump Flange

With the hole in place, grab the soap dispenser and a container of non-staining plumbers’ putty. Proceed by lightly coating the underside of the pump flange with plumbers’ putty. Then insert the bottom of the pump assemble down into the hole that you made with the knockout punch.

Afterward, secure the pump flange into place with the hardware that came with your new soap dispenser. In most instances, you will need a basin wrench in order to complete the task. Once the pump flange is in place, promptly remove any excess putty from the exposed areas of the sink with a clean rag. When it comes to the putty’s drying time, follow the manufacturer’s instructions.

Finishing Touches

Finish the job by filling the soap dispenser’s reservoir with liquid soap and securely attaching it to the pump flange’s shank. That’s all there is to it.

Killeen Gonzalez has a history of completing DIY home improvement projects with her family.

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