How to Install a Stair Runner

You are tired of looking at your dull, bare stairs. Carpeting is an option, but really not quite what you had in mind. A stair runner is an excellent choice for your home and lifestyle, but how exactly do you install a stair runner? Is this an item best prepared by professionals, or can you install a stair runner on your own.

Once you have decided you want a stair runner, you must accurately measure the proper length for the job. Regardless of what length you need, it is always a great idea to purchase a little extra just to be safe.

When measuring your stairs for the proper amount of material to create the stair runner, you must measure all parts of the stairs. Begin at the floor just below the last step. Measure from the floor to the edge of the first step. Also, measure the lip or edge of the step. Now, measure the flat portion of the step where you place your foot. Measure each step individually or multiply each area by the number of stairs. Don’t forget to add extra material for any landings. Whatever amount you come up with as your total. Increase this number by an extra foot or two when ordering or purchasing your stair runner.

Before installing your stair runner, it is wise to consider the installation options. A stair runner can be glued, stapled, or taped in place. Your personal skill level may indicate which option is best for you. Also, the amount of time and effort you have to spare should play a role in your decision. The traffic level and material is another factor to keep in mind.

Regardless of which installation method you have chosen, safety is of utmost importance. Beauty is second in command. If you feel you can safely install a stair runner, then give it a try. If the project seems questionable or daunting, leave this project to the professionals.

To begin, you must clean the stairs very well. Remove any loose items such as dirt, dust, or pet hair from the area. If glue or tape installation is to be used, you may have to clean the area further to allow the product to adhere properly to the surface. Follow all manufacturer’s directions carefully.

Once the area is properly cleaned, it is time to begin. It is easiest to install the stair runner from the bottom step to the top. For ease of discussion, we will discuss the staple method of installation, but the principle works for each method. Center the stair runner on the steps. Measure this to be certain you are correct. Simply guessing and eyeballing it may not look professional and provide the best results.

Line up the stair runner with the edge of the floor. You may need to trim the stair runner at this time to keep it looking neat. Staple the stair runner at the base of the first step. It is easiest to have someone hold the bulk of the stair runner material above you by a step or two. This will allow your hands to work freely.

As you arrange the stair runner flat and centered, be certain to stretch it taught. Any wrinkles in the stair runner will not only look unappealing, but will become a tripping hazard.

Staple the stair runner beneath the lip of the step. Make sure the edges are securely fastened to the stairs. Once

This portion of the step is complete, gently tug the stair runner across the flat surface of this step. Again, measure to make certain the stair runner is centered. Because all walls do not run true, each step may be slightly different from the measurement of the last. Check yourself often. A slight difference from center will appear obvious once the project is complete.

Firmly staple the stair runner at the base of the next step. Also. Make sure the stair runner is perfectly flat and staple it in place.

Continue this process until you reach the top step. If possible, finish your stair runner near the wall on a landing at the top of the stairs. This will allow you to lay the edge of the stair runner near the wall to increase durability of the product, as well as, offer a finished look. You will need to trim the stair runner to fit snug against the wall. Trim the area with a sharp utility knife for the best results. Attach the stair runner securely at both sides and near the wall.

Once your stair runner has been installed, you will note the quiet sounds from the stairwell, and the fabulous new look. A stair runner can add beauty and comfort for a reasonable price. Homeowners who complete this project themselves can minimize the cost of the project significantly. With numerous installation options, nearly anyone can give this project a try and finish with a safe, terrific outcome.

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