How to Join a Bone Marrow Registry

I was interested in joining a bone marrow registry so I did some research to see what was involved or if I would even qualify. I found out that because I am 54, I would be considered too old to be a candidate. I also found out that most people can donate bone marrow without having surgery in a simple process that is not much different than giving blood. I consulted the five sources listed below, and wanted to share them with others who also might be interested in donating or finding out more information about the process.

If you are interested in Joining a Bone Marrow Registry there are several that you could join and each one has slightly different procedures. Some are free and some entail a monetary donation for all or in some cases donors in a specific age range.

According to the informational links listed below, doctors like to use donors that are between the age of 18-44. The reason for this, is that outcomes are better for the patient and chances of ill effects to the donor are also less in that age group.

If you are interested in becoming a potential donor you can contact one of the registries and find the one you feel is best suited for you. Generally the chances are about 1% that you will be chosen as a match for a non relative. Make sure you understand the donation process and are willing to commit before signing up.

Delete Blood Cancer
DKMS Registry

The National Marrow Donor Program
Be The Match

The American Bone Marrow Donor Registry

The Gift of Life

The Icla da Silva Foundation, Inc.
Helping Children and Adults with Leukemia
(866) FDN-ICLA

originally published 8-15-2013 at Bubblews by Becky Brooks

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