How to Keep Cookbooks Stain Free

One of the best ways to keep your cookbooks stain free is to use something to cover the pages. For example, you could use plastic wrap to completely seal the cookbook from the elements. You do need to be careful though. You need to keep the pages as flat as possible or you won’t be able to read the recipe. Also, this application works best for recipes that are on one page. If you have to turn the page back and forth, this will quickly become annoying. In those cases, you can use a clear piece of thin plastic to keep your cookbooks stain free. But, you’ll still need to be careful to keep the the edges and cover of the cookbook stain free.
Another great way to keep your cookbooks stain free is to type up your favorite recipes. Once you’ve typed up your favorite recipes, print them out and place them in a binder. Not only is this a great way to keep your cookbooks stain free, but it allows you to combine the best of several cookbooks into one big binder. When the pages get horribly stained, just remove them and print the recipe out again. If you get a plastic binder, you will be able to clean it very easily with just a wet cloth.
If you want to get your family involved in the cooking process, you’ll have no trouble at all keeping your cookbooks stain free. For example, ask your children to read the recipes to you while you cook. This is a great way for them to practice their reading skills and to learn about cooking at the same time. It’s also a great way to teach cooking abbreviations and what they mean.
Keeping your cookbooks stain free isn’t hard to do. These tips will allow you to keep your cookbooks looking brand new. Keeping your cookbooks stain free allows you to use them for many years to come. Your cookbooks will be in such great shape, you’ll even be able to pass them down to your children.