How to Keep Minnows Alive for Fishing
You need this information if you want to get the best quality minnows. Knowing exactly when the minnows come in will let you get them when they are in the most fresh condition. When you are choosing which minnows to get, look inside of the tank at them all. In general, the minnows that are grouped together are in good condition. The minnows that are outside of the group are considered to be weak minnows.
If you can actually pick out the minnows yourself, there are a few things to look for when it comes to picking the best minnows. Look for deep and strong colors on the minnows, and be sure that there are no cuts on the side of the minnows. It’s a good idea to become a friend with the shop owner so you can be “on the inside” of when to get the most fresh bait. You might also be able to get other fishing info from the owner such as hot local fishing spots, and other fishing tips as well.
If you go to the store and you’re not prepared, your minnows will probably not live very long. If you don’t have a container for the minnows when you buy them, the store owner will probably give them to you in a plastic bag. If it is a particular hot day outside, the minnows will not last too long in a plastic bag. If the temperatures are somewhat cooler outside, they will probably be alright for the plastic bag.
For hot days and long fishing trips, you will need to buy a minnow bucket. You will also need a battery operated portable aerator. You should be able to pick up an aerator at your local store for under ten dollars. It’s well worth the purchase, since this aerator will help keep your minnows alive longer. Make sure you buy top quality batteries so you can run the aerator through your entire fishing venture. You can run the aerator for a few minutes every hour to conserve battery power, if you’re concerned with the batteries running out of power.
If your interested in keeping minnows at home, here are some tips for home keeping. They can be raised just like keeping a simple goldfish when you were a kid. You’ll need a nice sized aquarium, ten gallons preferably. Your local store should have a basic ten gallon aquarium for under fifteen dollars. The minnows will need to have an air pump with a filtration system.
You can feed them regular fish food. Just like a goldfish, feed the minnows and let them eat for just a few minutes. Don’t overfeed them. Also make sure the water you use is not chlorinated. The aquarium will also need to be covered. Minnows can “jump” from the aquarium and end up dead on the floor. You can use some kind of mesh screen top, to cover the aquarium. If you want to make your own cover, use four pieces of wood in a picture frame fashion. Next, put the mesh cover on and securely put it on the picture frame structure you’ve created.
Use these tips and you can help keep your minnows alive for your next fishing trip.