How to Keep Raccoons Out of Your Yard and Home

Once a family of raccoons decides your yard or home is their territory , these pesky, dangerous creatures are hard to get rid of. They might decide to move into your attic, shed or basement, wherever they can sneak into. They will knock over garbage cans, spreading the mess around your yard looking for food.

Raccoons are dangerous as well. They can kill a small dog or start fights with your pet cats, and even endanger you or your children. A bite or scratch from a raccoon needs to be seen by a doctor right away. Children will be tempted to try to pet these furry cute creatures, and must be especially well guarded. If raccoons have invades your yard or home, they must be dealt with effectively.

Raccoons can be temporarily scared away from your yard or garden when you first notice them slinking around your home. They are easily frightened by loud noises, like from a blaring stereo. A large barking dog can also scare them away. At night, floodlights may work as well. You should never try to chase a raccoon away yourself, however, as they are often not afraid of humans, and will try to defend themselves. They may even try to attack you, so you must be very diligent around raccoons. A mother with her babies can be the meanest of all. Eventually, however, you will need to find a way to deter raccoons for good.

An electric fence around your yard or garden may be necessary if the raccoons have decided not to leave. A strong chicken wire fence around your garden, with an electric wire a couple of inches above the fence should work. You could also install a two strand electric fence, with the wires six and eight inches off the ground around your garden. You may need to fence your whole yard if they become a real problem.

Raccoons can be trapped as well. If they’ve taken up residence in your attic or other part of your home, this may be the best way to rid yourself of this problem. There are live traps you can use to capture raccoons and other annoying and destructive animals. Live traps trap the creature in a manner that protects the animal and won’t hurt it. The trap can be baited with canned fish or another food item raccoons love. They can then be released in an appropriate area. Consult an animal control authority about trapping and releasing wild animals properly, and any laws, regulations, or safety practices that may need to be addressed first.

Look for any entrance holes or areas where the raccoons might be getting into your house and yard. These areas need to be boarded up or reinforced with metal flashing, and any damaged fencing will need to be repaired. Use these methods to effectively get rid of and repel these furry invaders if you would like to live in your home peacefully.

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