How to Keep Roaches Out of Your Apartment

Everyone knows that once roaches have the opportunity to invade your home it can be very difficult to actually get rid of them. It can prove to be especially difficult if you are among the many that live in apartment complex. You can believe that if one persons apartment is roach infested they all will eventually become roach infested. In some cases even calling an exterminator will not help you to get rid of this very annoying and stressful problem. There are however several ways that you can keep the roaches out of your apartment, in addition to letting your maintenance people call an exterminator to get rid of the problem.

If you actually have your apartment sprayed than this will kill off the existing roaches in your apartment, but if they still live in thrive in the apartments around you there is always a possibility that they will return. The first thing that you can do to keep them from coming back is to make sure that you don’t keep any open bags of food in your house. This includes cereal. The best thing to do with cereal is to buy containers that can be tightly closed to place your cereal bags in as soon as you bring them home from the store. This goes for all of your food. Everything should be carefully sealed and put away. All of your garage cans in your house should be emptied on a daily basis, and they should be tightly sealed when they are in the house. If you allow your garbage can to stay open then you will just be inviting those roaches over to your house for a garbage party. If you have children this means that you will have to watch them very closely to make sure that nothing missing the garbage bag inside the can. This sometimes happens with your children.

You will also need to make sure that after each meal is finished the area is thoroughly cleaned. Even if just one crumb is left out your can very easily attract the roaches over to your house. When cleaning your house the best thing to use is bleach. Of course you can still use regular disinfectant, but at least once a day you should wipe your floors, counters, and tables with bleach. Remember to mix the bleach with water, and keep your windows open when you are cleaning so you don’t end up making yourself sick. The entire house should be wiped down at least once a day. If you can avoid getting carpet, since it is much easier to disinfect your floors and keep them nice and clean.

Even your bathroom should be disinfected with bleach at least once a day to keep those critters away. They also have roach traps that you can place through out your apartment to ensure that they don’t enter. Most people put them wherever they see a small crack in their home. You should also keep in mind that you will not see the roaches during the day, if you see them during the day that means that your apartment is being completely over run. If you follow the steps of using the bleach at least once a day and keeping your apartment as spotless and clean as possible you will not have to worry about a huge roach problem. I have known many people whose apartments are right next door to those with huge roach problems and their apartment happens to be spotless, and roach free. Some people just don’t realize how one small crumb can bring roaches over to your apartment.

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