How to Keep Your House Clean in 15 Minutes a Day

The first thing that you need to do in order to get your house so that 15 minutes works is break it into parts or areas. For the purpose of the article, I am going to use parts. When I say partsor areas, I mean areas of your house like the entryway into your house, the living room, or a porch. Once you have the parts in your mind, get a sheet of paper and write down parts numbered 1 through 4. After you have written these down, put your thoughts on paper. Write down each room by the part that you think it should go in (for exampled the front of your house to the parts no one really sees).
Next, with those 4 or 5 parts that you created, we are going to give it specific times of the month. Most of the parts will take a week, a couple of them less. For the easy parts like the porch and entryway, it can be broken down into 2 to 3 days. The parts with the kitchen, bathroom, and bedroom will take a week. The other part of that 2 to 3 day week will be the living room. With these large parts, you can add any extra rooms that you have such as an extra bedroom, an extra bathroom, an office, etc.
Then, we are going to make a list of what is important for you to do in these rooms. For most of them washing throw rugs, dusting, intense vacuuming or mopping are all going to be part of that list. The other things on this list are going to be what you want to have done in that room. For me, when I get to the living room I like to take the cushions off of the couch, sweep under them, and then vacuum as normal. This can all vary depending on what you like to do to keep your house clean for you.
After you have your list made, we are going to break it down into days so that the task can be done in 15 minutes. Let’s take a room for an example, the bathroom. On Monday we are going to spray cleaner on the sink top and give it a scrubbing and shine. On Tueday we are going to deep clean the toilet. On Wednesday the tub/shower will get our attention. On Thursday we will mop the floor and scrub the edges of the floor next to the wall. On Friday any windows and mirros in the bathroom are to be cleaned. That is one room done in one week with only taking 15 minutes a day.
You will take this plan and start putting it into effect one step at a time it seems. I know you are asking yourself what about this room during the other weeks. Well, there is a solution. On Saturday take an hour and vacuum the middle of the carpet, mop the middle of the floors, change the bed linens, etc. Those little things that keep a house looking ‘perfect’ will be put into this hour but don’t get too ‘perfect’. Only do what is necessary. Your house does not have to be perfect at all time for people to enjoy it or for it to be good for your family.
The last thing we need to do is be aware that the kitchen can not always be done in only one week at a time. Daily while you are cooking supper, make sure you put those dishes in the dishwasher as you go. If you do not have a dishwasher, keep one side of your sink half full of dishwater and wash as you cook. Then when you are all through with supper take those few extra minutes and put the dishes in the dishwasher or wash them. After you are finished, take a dish towel and wipe down the cabinets and stove top. This way, when you walk back into your kitchen, it will give you that ‘feel good’ feeling that everyone loves.
Now you will not be able to set this up and get it done overnight. You will not also be able to just let a room go for a whole month before you get to it if you are just starting, then again you might. This takes time and not being a perfectionist in everything. If you want to know more, please check back as I will have more to follow.