How to Keep Your Pet Calm During a Thunderstorm

When most of us were little, we were probably afraid of thunderstorms. Whether the thunder was too loud for us or we were afraid of getting hit by lightning, storms are a scary experience. It doesn’t bother just kids though. If you have a dog or a cat, they may be getting nervous too. Make sure to keep your pet calm as well.

Try to keep him or her close to your side. It’s inevitable that they will want to run down a basement or to another room in the house. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, however. Sometimes an animal will find that lying in a place will keep them calm and safe during the storm. If they don’t though, let them sit next to you on the couch or lay in bed with you.

Find other noise distractions. Turn on an air conditioner or fan, some music, or keep the TV volume a little louder than normal. This way your pet won’t hear the noises as much and will be able to calm down. Also, try playing with him or her, which will allow them to associate the sounds with happier things.

Don’t let them out of the house during storms. If you must take them outside with you, keep them on a leash or in a crate and make sure their identification and tags are up to date. If you don’t keep them inside, they may become startled and run away even if they are right by your side.

Try giving them a sedative. In some cases, these medications can help an especially anxious animal. They usually come in pill form and can be given inside of a favorite food (my dog likes peanut butter so we put his medicine in a little bite of peanut butter). Ask your veterinarian for more information.

Train them to deal with these situations. You can play recordings of a thunderstorm for them then try to play with them while the recording is going. However, instead of doing this while a storm is going on, try it under normal conditions. When they are relaxed with a toy or go to lay down where they feel safe, reward them with a snack or even a good girl/boy statement.

Don’t try to baby your animal. While you can keep them company, you shouldn’t ask them if they are scared or sympathize with them. This only reinforces their fears.

There are also other interventions available. One of the most popular kinds is a DAP (Dog Appeasement Pheromone) which is a diffuser or collar meant to calm a dog and remind them of their puppyhood. Purchasing an herbal care remedy which is designed for anxious animals can also help, but these kinds of treatments can be toxic if given improperly.

A thunderstorm is a scary time for an animal and they may be trying to protect themselves from the weather conditions. You as an owner can not just abandon them though. There are ways to help your pet through it and maybe keep them calmer the next time around.

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