How to Keep your House Clean with Minimal Effort

Have you ever done a deep clean on your house? You know where you clean every single room and clean it well? If you’ve never done it then you’re not missing anything. If you have, you know how incredibly tedious and time intensive it is. Most home-owners never do this kind of cleaning unless they are in the process of selling their house and need to show it. Here are some tips to make that deep clean a little less intensive. All it takes is a little spot cleaning everyday.
Every Night
Sweep anywhere you have tile or wood floors. Dust bunnies can’t accumulate if you don’t let them. Sweeping takes no more than five minutes and you’ll be able to keep your floors clean for much longer.
Wipe down all kitchen and bathroom counters. A quick wipe down with a sponge or Lysol wipe will help keep things clean. Include the stove in this wipe down. This will also take about 5 to 7 minutes.
Spray down the shower with a shower cleaner. Spot clean the bathroom floors and toilets. Swiffer is very good for this.
In the living room, clear any papers that have have accumulated and pick up anything left on the floor. Use a small vacuum if the kids or dogs have tracked anything in.
As your parents taught you… make your bed every morning. It takes naught but a moment and it will improve the look of your room even if it’s the only thing you do. Straighten your dresser top. Place any junk where it needs to go.
Every Two Weeks
Or every week if you so please. Or every month if you stay pretty clean or simply don’t have the time in your schedule.
Clean out the fridge and spot clean any spills or messes.
Dust cupboards and on top of the fridge. Take time to dust the ceiling corners to prevent cobwebs from forming.
Mop the floors. Don’t forget about taking care of the baseboards as well. With the new Swiffer cleaning technology this formerly time-intensive chore is reduced to not more than ten or fifteen minutes.
Do a light scrub down of the bathroom. Clean the sink, toliet, floor, and shower. You’ve been keeping these clean throughout the week so this should not take long.
Dust bookshelves, ceiling fans, light fixtures, and blinds. Dusting is perhaps the easiest chore ever.You can use a simple feather duster, a damp rag, or a Swiffer duster.
Vacum all rugs and carpets. Once again, don’t forget about the baseboards. They have a tendency to accumulate dust and grime.
Change your sheets. After two weeks of sleeping on the same bedding you will want to wash it.
Doing a quick tidy up of five minutes is easier than cleaning up a month’s worth of mess. Clean top to bottom so that you don’t end up pushing dust from the high cabinets onto your newly mopped floor.
Keep it clean.