How to Lobby Your Local Legislators

Lobbying is an attempt to influence legislators on specific issues. The goal of lobbying is to produce a vote by a member of a legislative body (City Council, State Congress, U.S. Congress, etc.) favorable to your interests. Lobbying can be either direct, using personal meetings, phone calls, and letters to the legislator, or indirect consisting of media campaigns, mass demonstrations, or protests by community organizations. Regardless of which medium you choose, some basic tactics of when and how to lobby your local legislators can help your efforts.

1. Be Informed
-Be sure that you have properly researched the legislation you are hoping to influence. This will give you a credible voice.

2. Appeal to Reason
-Commonsense more often than not will win out in political discussions. This approach will also solidify your position and reinforce your credibility.

3. Tell the Truth
-Make clear your intentions for your lobbying. If you are asked a question by a legislator or his staff, answer it honestly.

4.Give Money
-We don’t like to hear this, but it’s the truth: political campaigns cost money. If you or the group you represent can contribute to an elected officials campaign, it will be noted.

5. Make Connections
-Get to know legislators, other lobbyists, influential citizens, media voices and legislative staffers.

6. Don’t Burn Bridges
-Always be polite and respectful during your lobbying efforts.

7. Make it Known that You Vote
-This is not a threat. Simply let your legislator know that yourself and many other voters support your lobbying efforts.

8. Know When to Lobby
-Timing is everything. Lobby a specific issue when it is in the media, nearing a vote, or around election time.

9. Change Public Opinion
-Influence public opinion in favor of your cause. Enough of a stir is sure to be noticed by any elected official.

10.Never Give Up
-Many issues take years to resolve. Stay determined in your efforts to influence your legislator to favor your specific point of interest.

Using some of these techniques, and honing your skills you will most certainly enhance your lobbying efforts and increase your chances of success. Remember – be persistent.

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