How to Maintain Doors and Windows

How to Maintain Doors and Windows – With the Grain
An important step to maintain doors and windows in your home is when staining or painting, always be sure to paint with the grain. This one simple step can work wonders to maintain doors and windows. Also, always paint the raised panels first. Follow these simple steps and you will have beautiful results.
How to Maintain Doors and Windows – Pencil Power
A little known way to help maintain the locks on your doors comes with a little help from an often overlooked tool. Who would think a No. 2 pencil can help you maintain doors and windows in your home? Simply apply the pencil to your house key, on both sides, and lavishly. Build the lead up all over the key, then insert it into your lock and work it around inside and out. This will lubricate your lock and prolong it’s life by leaps and bounds!
How to Maintain Doors and Windows – Rubber Grips
Another thing to remember is to always wear gloves where glass is involved. This doesn’t just apply to maintaining doors and windows though. The last thing you want when working on windows is a nasty cut and a trip to the emergency room. It also wouldn’t do to slip and break a pane or five when moving them. Gloves are the simple answer. Gloves allow for a powerful grip and also protection from sharp edges.
How to Maintain Doors and Windows – Minty Fresh
Do you have scratched and scuffed up glass? A great way to maintain doors and windows and the glass in them is to simply apply extra-whitening toothpaste with a cloth to eliminate scratched glass. You probably already have a tube lying around the house, and if you don’t it’s a well worth it investment from almost any store!
How to Maintain Doors and Windows – Oil Screens?
A great way to maintain your doors and windows is to simply oil the spline grooves. It is a simple yet effective way to coax more life out of your doors and windows. This will help save not only the splines on your house, but the edges of your screens every time you have to take them on and off. No more prying and forcing with this tip!
Follow these simple rules and you can extend the life of your windows and doors by 10 fold and make them a lot more attractive as well! For about 5 dollars you can maintain doors and windows in your home with relative ease. Good luck!