How to Maintain and Care for Your Well

Protect Well Cap
Modern wells can be spotted by a narrow pipe sticking out of the ground. On the end of the pipe is a cap. This is called the well cap. A regular visual inspection is recommended in order to detect any rust or cracked areas. These areas can let in debris and leaves.
You should not only inspect the well cap, but also protect it. If necessary, build a small fenced in area around the cap. This will prevent any lawn mowers, tractors, farm machinery, etc from running it over. Remember, this is the water you and your family use daily. You do not want anything contaminating the water you drink.
Forget Harmful Chemicals
Keep harmful chemicals away from your land. This would include things like pesticides, motor oil, fertilizer, or paint. While city water systems have treatment centers that clean the water you drink, your well does not. Anything that goes into the ground will eventually end up in your water supply.
Take Care of Abandoned Wells
An abandoned well can become a major hazard to your modern well and water supply. Most abandoned wells were constructed many many years ago without any thought of health codes. The water in the abandoned well or the well itself can contaminate your new well. The easiest solution to this problem is to have a licensed professional seal the abandoned well.
Make sure you know the history behind the land you would like to build your house. In some instances you will not be told of any abandoned well and may have to do some local research and digging.
Water Conservation
Conserving water is perhaps one of the most important elements of proper well maintenance. The more water you conserve, the more water will be around during a drought for you and future generations. Install water conserving faucets and shower heads. There are also toilets on the market that use only 1.5 gallons to flush. Toilets tend to use a lot of water, so this is a great way to save.
There is no one around but you to test your well water. No one will tell you if your nitrate levels are too high. You have to find out for yourself. Buying kits at the local hardware store can be a good way to routinely test your water supply. Every once in a while you should also have a trained professional come and test your water to be sure there is nothing the hardware kits haven’t detected.
There is nothing more important than water. We use water in every aspect of life: eating, bathing, cleaning, recreation, etc. For those that have a well, the safety of that water supply is in your hands. Following certain precautions can help keep your well and well water properly maintained.