How to Make Children Feel Safe

Children in this world we live in are afraid of many things. Strangers are very scary to some children. They get anxiety and get really nervous around them. Fear of monsters and ghosts can be scary to them because they see it on tv and believe that is real. We as parents need to reassure our children that tv is not real in some cases.

If you watch a show with your child and it is real than talk about it and let them know what parts are and are not. Another fear children have are being left alone. Whether its dropping them off at a babysitter or a daycare. Children are afraid of strangers so that is why gettign them to know the daycare before they start attending is a great idea. If you are having a babysitter come to your home than have him/her come a few days or weeks before starting to get to know the child. You would not want to feel that your child is scared beign with this person so make sure they are comfortable with them.

In some cases that we have been having in this world are the hurricanes and tornadoes. Children see that on tv and hear about it and worry. In some situation some children have been through it down South. It is sad and scary for our children to go through that or see it. It is a unfair situation and its all in mother natures hands. If your child is in fear of an issue try to talk to them about it. Do not let your child be alone and face it on their own. Ways to comfort your child are:

Talking about it
Bonding with your child
Volunteering in a safe atmosphere
Reading good books for their level

Children if they are young like to hold on to blankets and sometimes pacifiers to ease their pain and fears. We as parents know that is safe but not a comforting item to have forever so we need to step in and be that comfort for them. Holding our child and talking to them is the first thing we can do. Getting to them to face the fears is another great way. If we do not face it then we will never know why we are afraid of it.

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