How to Make Homemade Rose Water

Ingredients needed:
A half cup of fresh rose petals
A half gallon of mineral water or distilled water
A large metal pot
Large glass storage container
Make homemade rose water: Gather your ingredients
If you grow your own roses, you already have an available source for rose petals. If not, you can buy rose petals from your local florist or gardening center. Be sure to use rose petals that aren’t sprayed and haven’t been exposed to chemicals or pesticides. You want your rose water to be clean and all natural especially if you plan on applying it to your skin.
Make homemade rose water: Prepare your water
Pour a half gallon of your mineral water or distilled water into the metal pan. Add a half cup of rose petals to the same pan. Bring the water to a full boil for twenty minutes. Allow the fresh rose water to cool completely before continuing.
Make homemade rose water: Store your rose water
Once cool, pour the freshly prepared rose water into a large glass container. You now have fresh, all natural rose water to use whenever you need it. No more trips to the store to buy overpriced containers of commercial rose water.
Here are some ideas for how to use your homemade rose water:
Pour some rose water into decorative glass bottles and attach a beautiful red bow. Place the bottles on your dressing table and in your bathrooms for a lovely Victorian touch.
Pour fresh rose water into a spray bottle and use it as a natural air freshener for all the rooms in your house. You can even spray it into drawers to freshen them or into your dryer to add fragrance to your clothes. Try spraying fragrant rose water onto your bathroom towels or the sheets on your bed.
Use rose water in your dessert recipes for added flavor.
Use it as a romantic perfume.
Place fresh rose water into small perfume spray bottles and give it as a gift.
When you write a letter, lightly spray the stationary with rose water.
The possibilities for using homemade rose water are endless. Enjoy!