How to Make Money from an Ezine

If you’ve been publishing an e-zine for at least 6 months but still aren’t seeing real results from it, it’s time for a tune up. Here are 5 ways to improve your e-zine:

(1.) Spend more time tooting your own horn. At least 25% of your e-zine space should be about nothing but YOU. In this space you should give promos for your services, products, books, workshops, etc. You should list testimonials from clients and customers who truly love you.

(2.) Make your subscribers an offer that they simply cannot pass up. This will kickstart them into purchasing your other products and services. This can be a very powerful tactic whenever it is used right. For instance: Put a time limit on your offer (ie a few days or by next week) for your client to take a percentage off of your product or service.

(3.) This is especially great for consultants and coaches… Your e-zine readers are already well aware that the way in which to get the BEST service from you would be to hire you one-on-one. However, there are lots of people out there who simply may not be able to afford this. So, why not offer them lower-priced options such as group coaching, teleclasses, online seminars, or a manual/e-book.

(4.) Do you often find your readers asking you about a topic which is indirectly related to what you have to offer? If so, then why not resell a resource that you heartily recommend and would put your reputation behind? Receiving commissions for your referrals can make you some handsome extra cash for in your pocket. Of course, you don’t ever want to recommend any service or product to your readers that you haven’t spent enough time investigating so that you know that you’d be willing to back it up 100% or you’ll ruin the trust that you’ve worked so hard to build up in your readership.

(5.) While this won’t make you wealthy, you should still consider selling some ad space in your ezine so that you can get some extra cash. You could offer 1 sponsor ad at the top along with several “classified” ads at the bottom and still have plenty of room for boasting about your own product or service. Something like this would be easy to start since your own readers would be a great primary, target audience for buying such ads since they already know that they can trust you. Once they’ve seen their ad effectively presented within your e-zine, you’ll have some power from the word of mouth. You can also list your e-zine in the numerous e-zine advertising directories that can be found all over the Internet. These services help match advertisers with appropriate publishers such as yourself. This does NOT mean that you can’t be selective about the types of ads that you choose to accept though. Of course, your readers will know that these ads don’t represent YOUR business, their quality will still indirectly influence your readers’ perception of you.

Remember! If you’re not getting any direct business from your e-zine right now, you’re still benefiting from it. Your e-zine is helping to establish you as an expert in your field while giving you massive online exposure which only helps add to your credibility. It, along with blogs, will also force you to package your knowledge into concise articles on a regular basis, which you can then recycle for many other marketing uses that you’re sure to find along the way.

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