How to Make Painful New Shoes More Comfy

As women we love new shoes especially sexy high heels that can make our legs go on for miles, but we have to suffer for our beauty when our shoes are too tight. What is a girl to do when she has new killer shoes for a date, but they are so uncomfortable she can hardly walk? Here are a few tips on how to have a pain free night out while wearing those sexy high heels.

It is all about the stretch
The best way to break in new shoes is to actually walk in them. The shoes need to stretch out so they become molded around your feet. Per the Stiletto Surgeon to break in shoes a person should wear socks and walk around with the shoes on at home as much as possible. The socks will protect your feet from getting blisters.

The Shoe Stretcher
Another way to break in a new pair of shoes is to use a shoe stretcher. Some retail stores will stretch your shoes for free. If you prefer to do it yourself you can buy a shoe stretcher online. The Foot Petals Stiletto Stretcher can be bought at for $29.95.

Leather Shoes
A leather moisturizer can be used to break in leather shoes. It can be bought online or at major shoe retailers for around $15.00. Use a cotton ball to apply the leather moisturizer on the shoes and then walk around in them until they are dry. You can wear socks to protect your feet, but make sure the socks are not too thick causing the shoes to become overstretched.

Products to fight the pain
There are several products available to help fight foot pain caused by new shoes. Band aids are the old standby for blister prone areas. Regular band aids tend to fall off easily so I use moleskin pads from Dr. Scholl’s which can be bought at any major retail store. The moleskins can be cut to any size and they stay on much better then regular band aids. Don’t forget to bring extra moleskins in your purse for emergencies.

The balls of my feet are another area that becomes very painful when wearing new shoes. I have found Tip Toes from Foot Petals. It is a cushion that goes in the front of your shoe. It protects the balls of your feet from the added pressure new shoes can cause especially high heels.

Beauty does not always have to be painful. With a little extra work new shoes can be ready for a night on the town in no time.

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