How to Make Winter Bouquets

In the winter it is nice to have fragrant bouquets of your favorite flowers to add a touch of sweetness to your home. Who says we can’t enjoy our flowers all year round. In this article I will show you how you can freeze the moment of spring in your home through the chilly winter season.

How to Make Winter Bouquets: Step One
During spring, summer and fall pick the finest of your favorite and most fragrant foliage. There should be some, even if they are not fragrant, of your most beautiful blossoms�. These too should be selected for your winter bouquet.

Some people prefer to raise herbs and everlastings for this purpose to get a larger array of colors. What are everlastings? Well traditionally they are known as:
� Globe Amaranth
� Statice
� Straw Flowers
� Love-in-a-mist (also known as Nigella)
� Helipterums

The herbs that are most commonly used in winter bouquets are:
� Wild Marjoram
� Sage
� Chive blossoms
� Coriander
� And of course and absolute must, Lavender

How to Make Winter Bouquets: Step Two
Arrange in bunches of the like, in separate bouquets that are tied rather tightly around the stems. Hang upside down to dry in a room untouched by sunlight and dampness to prevent color damage (fading) or the other extreme of mildew. It is a very simple process with rewarding results.

How to Make Winter Bouquets: Step Three
When arranging, after the flowers are dried, place them according to your own vision and creativity. Of course you need to first carefully remove the binding around each bouquet and lay them out on your table with dry vases ready. I recommend for some added greenery, if you feel you need more, go out to your garden or bushes and clip some leaves from various plants.

As you arrange the winter bouquets you can slip some of those green leaves in as fillers. Place these bouquets all around your house for a moment frozen in time to remind your guests of the warm spring. They are very fragrant flowers and will fill your home with the smells of the sweet blooming flowers.

How to Make Winter Bouquets: Step Four
These are the final things to remember:
� Do not place the bouquet in a humid room as they will act like sponges and absorb the moisture which may make them mildew.
� Do not get impatient through the drying process. My suggestion is to start the drying in the summer and leave it alone for a month or two.

Good luck with your winter bouquets that everyone will enjoy. Have a happy and warmly touched winter.

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