How to Make Your Babies First Flight Easier on Both of You!

When you plan on traveling with your baby for the first time, it definitely pays to plan ahead. This is very important if you want to try and make the trip as pleasant as possible for everyone. This article will over several suggestions when traveling with your baby for the first time. First you will need to make sure that you arrive early. This will give you plenty of time to get through security and make sure that your entire luggage is properly checked in. When it comes to the baby however you will want to make sure that you have a well packed baby bag. This baby bag should include plenty of snacks and supplies for your little one. You will want to avoid arrive too early however. If you have to sit for a long period of time your baby can begin to get pretty uncomfortable and irritated.
When booking your flight you may want to take into consideration what seats you request. As most people know the bulkhead seats offer much more leg room, although you will get less storage space for your baby bag. So you will need to decide which you need more, leg space, or diaper bag space. Some airlines will allow you to pre board the plan. Only if you have been through all of the security checks, and taken care of your luggage. I would recommend however that when you are traveling with your baby for the first time you do not board the plane early. It would be best to be among the last people to board the plan. This will allow your little one a little more time before they are confined to your lap. When it comes to feeding your baby, you will want to make sure that you coordinate them with takeoff and landing. Of course this may require you to change your normal feeding schedule slightly, but it would be worth it to make your flight a lot smoother. Since babies are more prone to the ear pressure that is experienced during take off and landing it may be best to give them a bottle at this time. Even if you just want to give them a small teething cookie to chew on it will encourage swellings. Swallowing will help to prevent the pain that many children tend to experience from the pressure.
Remember this is your baby’s first flight, so even if someone begins to complain about something don’t worry about it. Just ignore them, and remember that your main focus is the comfort of your baby. If you need to have your baby’s bottle warmed you can ask the flight attendants to warm them for you. Just remember to take the tops off. Or you can purchase a portable bottle warmer. You can usually find these at any target or Wal-Mart store. They also have them on their online stores, and sell for only ten dollars. Depending on how long your flight is you can buy a few of these and use them when you need to warm up the bottle. When it is time to get off of the plane you should wait until everyone else is already off. This will allow you plenty of time to get all of your baby’s items together. These are a few suggestions that will be able to make your babies first flight an easier one.