How to Make Your Bedroom Feng Shui

Feng Shui is a Chinese system of belief in making your home the centre of a positive energy source that will impact on your wellbeing. If you strengthen the Feng Shui of your bedroom, you will improve your romantic life as well as creating a feeling of harmony. Feng Shui teaches that to be at peace in your bedroom, considered the most important room in the house, it should be painted in pastel colors. Bright colors will keep you from relaxing. They’ll keep your mind wandering. Pastels will calm you to preserve that feeling of peace that the practice of Feng Shui continues to inspire.

Feng Shui tells us that the bed is a pivotal piece of furniture and its construction and placement are the most important aspects of organizing the bedroom. Your bedroom door must not face directly onto the bed, nor should you sleep with your back to your bedroom door. You also should not place your bed under a window. The bed itself is better if it is made of wood with a solid headboard. Feng Shui explains that this will give a protective aspect to your sleeping area.

Feng Shui does not like disorder. Your bedroom should be neat and uncluttered. Do not hang lights or fans in your bedroom above where you will place you bed. For the same reason you shouldn’t put anything under the bed. As the bedroom is supposed to be a place to find harmony Feng Shui teaches that you should never work in your bedroom. As a matter of fact Feng Shui dissuades you form having a desk and especially a computer in your bedroom.

Oddly Feng Shui does not like en suite bathrooms; there certainly were not even in house bathrooms when this practice first came into being. If you have an en suite make sure when you are in your bedroom the light is off and the door is closed. Cover mirrors at night so seeing movement does not distract from your sleep and if you have a television in your bedroom, which you should not, cover it as well. The teachings of Feng Shui also tell you to cover the bedroom windows with thick curtains or good blinds. A dark room is a more relaxed space to sleep in.

Maybe you are considering the benefits of Feng Shui because you have recently left a relationship and are thinking about beginning another. That is a good reason in itself to explore Feng Shui. It has concepts that are designed to help with just this circumstance. Feng Shui dictates that you remove anything and everything in your bedroom that is tainted by your former relationship. This is energy draining. Make the first thing you see when you go to your room something positive, a photo that brings a smile to your face not a frown. Following the practice of Feng Shui by making your bedroom your haven. This will go along way to improving your personal wellbeing.

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