How to Make Your Houseplants Look Great

Houseplants can have their looks improved dramatically by following a few easy tips. Although many people follow the general rules for growing houseplants: sunlight, water, plant food, some houseplants still turn colors, wilt and look pitiful. It’s hard to throw out a houseplant – we continue to hold out hope that it will pull through – but the sad fact is sometimes they don’t.

For those who don’t know a lot about plants, but love having them around, you can learn what you need to know to help them look better for now. Plants with yellow leaves indicate that the plant is not receiving enough water. This could be the result of less water than needed being administered or because the plant is too big for the pot it is in. Feel the dirt by sticking your finger deep into it. If it feels dry it’s likely that you’re under-watering it. If the dirt feels damp chances are it needs transplanted.

Plants that turn black, or have dark-looking leaves with black spots or streaks, are an indication that the plant is receiving too much water. It’s possible that the plant is being over-watered but it’s also possible that the pot doesn’t have adequate drainage. Make sure the pot has holes for draining and that the pot doesn’t sit in a dish that keeps water flowing into the holes. Many pots have a dish that catches the excess water. Be sure and empty this dish after watering.

Upon changing the pots you have a couple of choices. Transplant the entire plant into a larger pot or split the plant in half and put each half in its own pot. Either way will allow the plant more room to grow and will eliminate the possibility of root rot which occurs when roots are crammed together in a pot too small.

Plant food is great for plants, providing important nutrients to the soil, but overdoing the plant food is even worse than not giving the plant any food at all. Follow the instructions on the package of plant food and never “double up” on food just because the plant looks unhealthy.

Besides transplanting you can radically change how your plants look by doing a few things to them for now. Plants with yellow leaves can look much better after all the discolored leaves are removed. Leaves that won’t pluck off easily should be left alone but most yellow or brown leaves will pull right off the plant.

Plants that grow tall and straight, like corn plants or snake plants, often have discoloration along the edges. Many people don’t know that you can cut off the discolored portions and have a healthier-looking plant. Use scissors and start at the point of the leaf and trim down one side. Go back to the point and trim down the other side. This method can be done on “stalk” plants or ones with giant leaves, like an Easter lily. For plants with small leaves simply pluck the discolored leaves.

Many people think that putting their plants outside is healthy for them, but actually, plants have to acclimate to their environment. Placing them outside in the hot sun and then moving them back inside to an air conditioned room is not healthy for them, particularly when it’s done several times a week. It’s better to leave the plant in one setting, year-round. Plants that generally are left outdoors, such as ferns, should be brought in for the winter, however. Upon doing this you may notice that the plant seems to be dying. The plant will definitely have some discoloration and lose some leaves because of the change in environment.

Make most any plant look healthier by giving it a shine. Sprays are sold that are applied to give the plant a lustrous shine but these sprays also clog the pores of the leaves. If you use the glossy sprays be sure and rinse them off every couple of weeks and allow them to go at least 24 hours before reapplying the gloss.

Another way to make your plants shine is to use milk. Simply dip a sponge or cloth in a mixture of half milk, half water, and wipe each leaf with the mixture. As the milk dries it leaves the plant with a shine that looks very healthy.

Just as dust settles around the house it also settles on plants. Once a month put your plants in the shower. Use a gentle spray to hose off the plants and leave them clean. When you shower your plants it will take the place of the watering process for days or weeks, depending upon what type of plant it is.

Give your plants plenty of sunshine and keep them in a fixed temperature for best results. If you see black spots or lines appearing, lessen the amount of water you give. If you begin to see yellow or brown leaves, increase the water somewhat. You’ll have healthier-looking plants in no time.

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