How to Make Your Own Hello Kitty Wall Clock

I checked out at the register and spent about $8.00 dollars,now if you would have gone to a Hello Kitty store it would be more than that. So I went home and started my craft. I am going to breakdown the materials you will need for this just in case you do not have them at home.
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You will need:
1 pair of scissors
1 marker or pen, color doesnt matter
1 cardboard – you can use a shoebox or a cardboard box,just make sure it is bigger than the clock.
Glue gun
Pictures or drawings of Hello Kitty that you can cut out and fit inside of the clock
and your hands! lets start
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Take the clock and set it on top of your fabric,with the marker mark the shape of the clock on the fabric so you can cut it accordinly,but try to mark it about 5 inches bigger so you can fold it behind the clock. then take the cardboard and place the clock on top of it,but this time mark the clock with its actual size, and cut the cardboard so its the same round size as your clock.
Next take apart the clock so you can start to cover it with the fabric. When you have the piece that you want to show the Hello Kitty then place that part on top of the fabric you cut and place it on top of it. Mark a circle in the middle of the fabric so you may cut and fold it onto the the piece. Once you’ve done this fold the fabric and hot glue it in the back,make sure you stretch the fabric so it looks nice.
Now the clock itself is covered with a piece of glass,take that apart and on the inside you can paste pictures of Hello Kitty,what I did was I drew them myself and cut them a size that would fit in the clock. Now you can put the glass back on and the piece that you covered with fabric and put it all together. The cardboard that you cut goes in the back of the clock so the fabric that is folded will not show. You can sign it if you want,just to give it a personalized touch.
Now its ready to hang! With being creative you can come up with many moneysaver ideas that wont break your bank.
When I made my clock a lot of people thought I bought it somewhere and would ask where so they could get one. They were surprised I made it cause it looked so good. If you put some time into your craft and enjoy it you will end up with something unique that wont look like you did it yourself.