How to Make Your Own Personalized Wall Plate Clock

The first time I ever saw a Personalized Wall Plate Clock, was in the kitchen of my friend Katy. It blended in with her collection of chickens, yet it stood out because of its unique design. It immediately caught my eye. I knew I had to have one of my own. When I inquired about it, she said her husband had made it for her. She had found the light green ceramic dinner plate at a garage sale, purchased it for next to nothing, and then asked her husband to turn it into a kitchen clock. Katy said you can use most any type of plate- ceramic, china, earthenware, et cetera.

Your local craft shop should have most of the items you’ll need for this project. In addition to a dinner plate, you’ll need a clock movement, a battery, maybe some plastic numerals, a good quality glue, a hanger, (if one isn’t included with the movement), and maybe some decals if you’re not going to paint your own designs on the plate.

The entire process is relatively easy and not expensive at all. The first step, I found out, after you have chosen the plate you want to use, is to drill a hole in the middle of it. You’ll need to find the middle mark. To do that, simply measure the plate with a ruler from top to bottom and mark the middle. Then, measure it from side to side and mark the middle again. The two marks you’ve made should be at the same location. Then, place the plate upside down on a folded up towel. The towel will help protect the plate from breaking or from getting scratched.

Next, you’ll need to use an electric drill that has a sharp bit in it. The bit will need to be large enough to fit the shaft of the clock movement. Hold the plate firmly, or, wrap a towel around its edges and place it in a vice- and carefully drill the hole through its middle. Katy advised me that the drilling needs to be done slowly so you don’t crack the plate in half.

Once the hole is drilled, you’ll need to wipe the plate clean on both sides. The drilling will create unwanted dust and particles. Then, comes the fun part! You’ll need to decide how you want to personalize your Wall Plate Clock!

Katy’s unique clock had decals of chickens and flowers on it. Around the top, below the numbers, were fancy black script letters that spelled out, “Katy’s Kitchen”. Her husband had chosen to use black stickers to spell out the words, but you can also paint them on if you have the talent. Likewise with the designs- you can paint whatever type of scene, object, et cetera, that you may choose. Just keep in mind that you’ll need to put numbers on your clock yet. Therefore, you’ll want to keep your designs out of the circle around the clock where the numbers will be located.

If you paint a design on your wall plate clock, you’ll need to allow the paint to dry thoroughly before you proceed with the next step.

The next step is to measure and mark the positions of the clock’s numbers. Naturally, these will be arranged around the diameter. The easiest way to mark these positions is to use a round object that is about an inch and a half smaller than the plate. A round piece of cardboard makes a great object to trace around! Use a lead pencil to make a light tracing around the perimeter of the plate. The pencil markings can easily be removed later with an eraser or by washing it off.

After you have made a light circle, use a ruler again to measure and mark the locations of the numbers. You can use twelve numbers, one for each hour. Or, you may choose to use only four numbers, the 12, 3, 6, and 9. The choice is up to you!

Next, either use plastic numbers or paint the numbers on the face of your Personalized Wall Plate Clock. You can purchase plastic numbers in several different styles, such as Roman numerals, for example. If you use plastic numbers, be sure to use a good quality glue that is made to adhere to ceramic, china, earthenware, et cetera.

Allow the numbers or the glue to thoroughly dry before you proceed to the next step.

The final step in this project is to install the clock movement, the hands, and the battery. In order to achieve the best results, make sure that you follow the manufacturer’s instructions.

Then, glue a hanger onto the back of the dinner plate, and, once the glue is dry, you have your own Personalized Wall Plate Clock!

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