How to Make a Cable Spool Table and Chair

Cable spools are those big wooden spools that hold lengths of electrical wire and other cables. Telephone companies and other companies that use large quantities of electrical wire and cables on a regular basis often give away these cable spools that would otherwise be discarded.

We’ve all seen cable spools that have been turned into tables, but an undecorated cable spool turned on end does not make a useful or attractive table. Also, don’t just slap a coat of paint on a cable spool and call it a table. Instead of just simply turning a cable spool on its side and letting it bake in the sun, decorate that cable spool and turn it into a table you’ll be proud to use and display. Decorated cable spools that are small make fantastic furniture for kids, and large cable spools can be designed and decorated especially for adults.

The following instructions provide ideas for making ordinary cable spools extraordinary, and you’ll learn how to turn otherwise useless scraps of wood into useful tables and chairs that will last for years. Consider these ideas for decorating cable spools, and add your own creative touches for indoor and outdoor furniture that will save a considerable amount of money while adding a decorative touch to your home. No one will guess your fancy tables and chairs were made from discarded wooden cable spools.


Before painting and decorating cable spools, it’s important to properly prepare the surface. Pound down any protruding nails, and if you intend on using a cable spool as a table, sand the top if necessary.

Make a table or chair steady by attaching four rubber feet to the bottom. Raising the furniture off the ground will also help prevent the bottoms from rotting if it will be used outdoors.

Decorating a Table

Begin decorating a 24-inch cable spool by painting the top with outdoor semi-gloss oil-base paint. Allow the first coat to dry, and apply a second coat for an extra layer of color and protection. After the top dries, paint the bottom and the center cylinder so the wood is properly sealed and protected. Allow the paint to dry completely before continuing.

After the paint has dried, cover the cylinder with color-coordinated sisal rope. Randomly and generously, apply wood glue to the cylinder, tack the end of the sisal rope to the cylinder, and tightly wind the rope around until the cylinder is completely covered. After cutting the sisal rope, tack the end to the cylinder. The tacks may be removed if desired after the glue has dried completely.

Consider mounting a table umbrella in the center of your cable spool table. Sink the appropriate hardware into the ground or attach hardware to secure the pole into the floor of a wooden deck. You’ll be able to enjoy the outdoors under the shade of a big umbrella.

Decorating a Chair

A chair can be made from a 12-inch cable spool. The spool should be prepared and painted in the same manner as a cable spool table, and after the paint has dried, you can make a comfortable pad for the chair. Simply trace the outline of the seat on a thick piece of craft foam. Cut out the circle with a utility knife or a large pair of craft scissors. Attach the craft foam seat to the chair with epoxy glue. Let the glue dry completely, and your chair will be ready to use.

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