How to Make a Decision on Whether to Participate in Outpatient or Inpatient Rehab

Anyone who’s had experience with drug and alcohol rehab knows those facilities give patients a choice between outpatient and inpatient detox. Both scenarios have their own benefits, though deciding whether you need one or the other is going to depend on your mental fortitude in wanting to get clean from drugs or alcohol. Here’s how you can make a good decision to do either and how both can ultimately help you in more ways than one.

Inpatient Detox

For many, inpatient detox is mandatory because it has closer supervision on those most vulnerable to relapse. When you go in for inpatient detox, you’re going to be in a secure facility away from any temptations or stresses that could trigger the abuse of drugs or alcohol again. However, that can also be a detriment if you find some solace in being in your home turf. Psych Central reminds that inpatient rehab is usually a minimum of 28 days and extremely intense when you include the detox process.

The positive aspects of inpatient detox is that you have others going through the same thing who you’ll meet up with for group therapy. Having the support of others going through the same thing you are can place things in a more profound perspective and help you feel less alone in your struggle. Even better, most inpatient facilities allow your family to come in and join you with the group therapy sessions.

Ultimately, the support of your family will be your most important part of the recovery process. Keep in mind, though, that medical professionals will analyze your addiction issues and determine if inpatient care is really right for you.

Outpatient Detox

You get many of the same benefits from outpatient detox as you do with inpatient care. In fact, they’re virtually identical except you go home to sleep at night. However, it’s there where you’ll either find peace or find the demons of temptation. Some former addicts find too many bad memories in their homes, and they sometimes relapse as a result. Others might find peace being able to sleep in their own bed and attend support meetings in a facility during the week. UT San Diego says that most treatment at the facility is generally once a week, and therapists will decide when it should increase or decrease.

In some cases, someone may try outpatient care first and decide to go into inpatient care due to the inability to live at home without close supervision.

When it comes to drug and alcohol addiction, everyone is going to be different in how they picture their home life. As much as others find home to be where the heart is, it can also be where a dark path lies for far too many addicts.

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