How to Make a Garden Chandelier for Winter

How to Make a Garden Chandelier for Winter – Materials Needed
The first thing you’ll need to make a garden chandelier for winter is a pre-made hopvine or twig ring. These can usually be found in craft and hobby stores. If you’re especially handy you could make one on your own.
The other materials you need to make a garden chandelier for winter are dried oranges, small plastic snowflakes, floral wires, silver spray paint, moss, a knife, screwdriver, glue gun, rope, four florist’s candle holders and four taper candles. Many of these items can be found at craft and hobby stores or florist’s shops.
How to Make a Garden Chandelier for Winter – Step #1
The first step to make a garden chandelier for winter is to cut each of the dried oranges in half. Then, make a hole in each orange half with the screwdriver. Make a loop by pushing the two ends of a bent floral wire through the hole.
How to Make a Garden Chandelier for Winter – Step #2
The second step to make a garden chandelier for winter is to bend the ends of the floral wire inside the orange to secure the loop you’ve made. Now coat the inside of the orange with glue from the glue gun and push moss into the empty space inside the orange to fill it.
How to Make a Garden Chandelier for Winter – Step #3
The next step to make a garden chandelier for winter is to glue snowflakes on the moss and around the orange. Arrange them in an eye-pleasing way and then add a few more snowflakes to the top and bottom of each orange half.
How to Make a Garden Chandelier for Winter – Step #4
The next step to make a garden chandelier for winter is to bend the top and bottom of a floral wire to make a hook. Hang one decorated orange half on the end of the hook and spray it lightly with the silver spray paint. Repeat this step for all of the orange halves.
How to Make a Garden Chandelier for Winter – Step #5
The next step to make a garden chandelier for winter is to tie equal lengths of rope firmly to the twig ring in four equally spaced places. Make certain that the garden chandelier will hang evenly and horizontally.
Push some moss into the twig ring between the ropes. This is where the candle holders will sit so place them evenly in four sections between the ropes.
How to Make a Garden Chandelier for Winter – Step #6
The final step to make a garden chandelier for winter is to install the candle holders. Make a hole in the center of each piece of moss. You should have four in total. Put glue in the hole with the hot glue gun and then insert a candle holder. Make sure it is secure before moving on.
Put a candle into the candle holder once it’s dry and make sure it is straight. Make adjustments as necessary. Repeat this step for the remaining three sides.
Hang the garden chandelier from a branch in the garden and attach the orange half decorations by the hooks you made earlier. Insert the top of the hooks into the bottom of the twig ring so that the decorations hang beneath the garden chandelier.
Now you’ve made a gorgeous garden chandelier for winter and believe me, it looks beautiful on a frosty winter morning. Enjoy!