How to Make a Halloween Jester’s Hat

Halloween, Mardi Gras, masquerade party – there’s lots of times when you need a costume and an easy one to make is a jester’s outfit. The outfit can be any combination of silly colors and styles but the jester’s hat is ever-important.

Fun Foam makes crafting things like jesters’ hats very easy to make. The Fun Foam comes in various colors – even prints – and is thin and pliable. Fun Foam is so easy to work with because you can mold it to any form, use hot glue and other adhesives on it, and you can paint or otherwise decorate it. Purchase each sheet of Fun Foam individually or buy a pack that has several sheets each of several different colors.

Start by cutting a strip of foam that is 4″ wide (3″ for a child), and long enough to go around your head. Depending upon the size pieces of foam that you buy, you may need to glue two or three strips together to have enough to fit around the head. Hot glue the ends together.

Cut six triangles for the hat. The base of each triangle should be seven inches long. Draw the base onto the foam then draw lines from the end of each base side, upward, to form a triangle. Where the lines intersect will become the point of the triangle.

After cutting the six triangular pieces begin gluing them to the inside of the head band. Start by gluing the base of one triangle onto the inside of the hat band, then allowing it to come up and over the hat band, hanging downward. Now glue another triangle at the exact opposite spot on the head band.

After you’ve glued the first two side pieces onto the head band, glue two more triangles on to the front area. The bases of the triangles will overlap somewhat as you glue them into place. After you’ve glued the two sides and two front pieces, glue the two back pieces into place.

When you’re finished with the hat it should have a band that goes around your forehead to the back of the head, with six long, pointy triangles hanging up and over the hat band.

Hot glue bells around the head band of the hat. Glue a bell to the tip of each triangle as well. You can further decorate the jester’s hat using paint markers, stickers, glitter, sequin, fabric paints or small novelties.

The triangles for the hat can be cut somewhat smaller to make a child’s hat – even smaller to make a hat for a very small kid. Making the jester’s hat from Fun Foam means it’s easy to work with, weighs next-to-nothing, and makes an impressive addition to your jester’s outfit.

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