How to Make a Key Wind Chime

If you have a bunch of old keys you aren’t using anymore or a source for old keys, this key wind chime is a nice way to make something creative and get some use out of all those unused keys. The sound the key wind chime makes is nice too when you hang one outdoors. Sometimes you can ask at hardware stores for improperly cut keys they are going to throw away.

You can make the key wind chime with only a few keys or use a longer stick to make a larger one. If you don’t want the nature look of the stick, try using a piece of formed doweling and paint or stain it.

The key wind chime is not too difficult to make and is a good project for older kids or adults as long as they know the correct way to use a hand power drill. If not this is a simple project to use to teach them how to use a hand power drill correctly.

Supplies Needed:

Hand power drill
1/8″ drill bit
Work glasses or goggles
Clear fishing line
8″ to 12″, that is Ã?½” to 1″ in diameter


* To begin drill a hole all the way through the width of the branch or stick. You are going to thread the fishing line through the hole so you need to drill all the way through the wood.

*Continue making drill holes all along the length of the stick. Space the holes at least Ã?¾” apart. Don’t drill holes right near the end of the stick or the ends may break off.

*Cut equal lengths of fishing line, one for each key. Tie and knot a piece of fishing line on each key leaving a lose end to thread through the drilled hole in the stick or branch.

*Put the lose end of fishing line through the drilled hole in the wood. Wind it around the wood a couple of times to secure it, then tie and knot it. Try to keep the fishing cord the same length. That way the keys will hit each other in the wind. Adjust the length of the clear fish line if the keys are a different length and size.

*Cut, tie and knot an additional piece of fishing line on either end of the stick so you have a hanger to hang your key wind chime up with. This is a fun way to recycle old keys and get some use out of them. Instead of collecting them in a drawer somewhere, make a key wind chime out of your old unused keys, then hang it up outside or even near a window that gets a breeze inside and enjoy the music!

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