How to Make a Magnetic Chessboard from a Regular Chessboard

A serious chess player knows how frustrating it is to have a game bumped or knocked into. The pieces slide, and a game that’s hours into the making is suddenly ruined. The solution to this problem is to purchase a magnetic chessboard, where the pieces are firmly held in place with magnets.

Unfortunately, because of the niche market for these boards, they are fairly expensive, and you may not be willing to invest in a new set. The solution is to make your current, non-magnetic chessboard magnetic. This is far cheaper than purchasing a ready made one, and it is simple to do. The results are clean and professional and don’t appear brutish.

If you’d like to transform your average chessboard into a magnetic chessboard, read on to find out how.

Items Needed:

Chess Set

Hot glue gun

Small disc-shaped magnets

Step 1: The first thing you will need to do is order some magnets. Earth magnets are ideal, as they can be purchased cheap from online sites and come in a wide array of shapes. Purchase ones that are about one-half inch long and that are disc-shaped (ie, flat on both sides). You will need one for every square, and one for every game piece.

You will also need a hot glue gun. A hot glue gun is the easiest, fastest, and cheapest method to attach magnets to a board.

Step 2: Flip your board over and mark with a pencil the center of each square. This will help ensure that your magnets are centered, so the board looks clean and organized during game play. The easiest method to center the magnets is to use a ruler. Measure inwards enough to reach the center of the first row of squares. Place a small mark there, then draw a straight line down the board. Repeat in the opposite direction so the lines cross. The intersection of each line is the center of a square.

Step 3: Plug your glue gun in and allow it to heat up. You need the glue hot, so allow it to get warm for about five minutes before continuing.

Step 4: Place a small dot of glue on one side of a magnet and press it quickly against one of the dots on the bottom of the board. Hold it there firmly for several seconds so that it has time to cool.

Repeat this process until all the dots are covered with a magnet.

Step 5: Now you will need to glue a magnet to the bottom of each game piece. Simply place a small amount of glue on the bottom of the piece, and then press a magnet firmly against it for several seconds. Repeat with all the game pieces.

Step 6: Now lay your board flat on the table and place a game piece over a square. The character should attach itself firmly stay in place even if the table is bumped or shaken.

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