How to Make a Solar Powered Balloon

Balloons are fun. However, they don’t float unless they are filled with helium. Technically, this isn’t completely true. A balloon can be made that floats simply from heated air.

What you will need:

Four black trash bags, the thinner the better, but still black

Two twist ties

Scotch tape

A pair of scissors

How it’s done:

Take four black trash bags off of a roll. Separate the trash bags at the dividing line.

Do not yet open the bags.

With the scissors, cut the bottoms of the bags off where the line can be seen showing that it is the bottom.

After the bottom is cut off, open the bags and spread them out on a flat surface.

Insert the end of the first bag one to two inches into the beginning of the second bag. Use the scotch tape to secure that the bags are held together. Turn the bags over and use the scotch tape to secure them on the other side as well.

Repeat this process with the third and fourth bags.

Then put the two sections of bag together using the same process.

Now you have one long bag with two openings. One end needs to be closed.

One one end, bunch the bag together as if closing a trash bag. Tie the bags with the twist tie. Cut the excess bag through the tie off with the scissors.

Take the bag outside if you are not already outside. Make sure you bring a twist tie. Fill the bag with air. This is done simply by waving the bag in one direction making the air from outside move into the bags.

The bags must be pretty full of air, but they do not have to be perfect. Close the bags with the second twist tie. Let the bags get warm from the sun and release them. They will float really high into the air.

If you want to try to know where the bags land, before taking them outside, you can tape a note asking people to send a message when the balloon is found. However, the effect of how well the balloon floats when this is taped to it has not been tested.

To see a solar powered balloon being made, visit


It is dangerous for small children to use trash bags alone. There is a risk of suffocation. Make sure there is adult supervision at all times.

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