How to Make a Vacuum Cover

To save time and trouble it’s easier to purchase a cute stuffed animal or use one that your child doesn’t play with anymore. The animal head should be fairly large but not gigantic. As heartbreaking as it is, you must cut the head off of the stuffed animal, to use for the vacuum cover. Try to leave some of the animal’s neck, if possible.
After removing the head remove some of the stuffing, enough to allow for the vacuum handle to be inserted. Cut a circle of fabric the approximate size of the animal head in circumference. Spread fabric glue completely over the circle of fabric then push the fabric piece into the neck opening. Use a broomstick to shove the fabric deep into the animal head. Allow an inch or so, all the way around the fabric, to hang out of the neck opening. The glue will hold the head stuffing in place while the fabric piece makes the pocket for the vacuum handle.
Choose the perfect dress to put on your vacuum. Shop at a thrift store for a gingham outfit or make a dress yourself. If you’re shopping for a dress make sure you take the measurement of the vacuum from bottom to the neck of the animal, sitting on the vacuum handle. Make sure the dress you get is wide enough in the skirt to accommodate the head of the vacuum. You can also use costumes from a costume store or Halloween costumes, as long as they will accommodate the vacuum.
Choose a dress that has long sleeves and a high collar. One with an apron is great but you can purchase an inexpensive apron to put over just about any dress. If the dress you find is too short you can sew on lace at the bottom. If it’s too long, simply hem it. Add a bonnet or cute straw hat to the animal head if you want.
Sew or glue the sleeves together, at the edges, overlapping one slightly over the other. Stuff the arms with pillow filler. You can glue or stitch a cover for the armhole opening, to keep the stuffing in the sleeve, or just stuff tightly where it will stay. Hand stitch the collar of the dress to the neck of the animal. You can also spread fabric glue around the neck of the animal then attach the dress. Use clothes pins to hold it together until dry.
When finished using the vacuum simply slide the “maid” over the handle and stand her in the corner or elsewhere. She’ll brighten up the decor and give you an instant conversation piece.
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Posted by john in Decorating & Design