How to Make an Incubator for Your Science Project

Before you begin this project, you will need the following items: a sturdy, heavy cardboard box with its lid, a sheet of glass smaller than the side of the cardboard box, a 60-watt light bulb, clear masking tape, a light socket with an electrical cord, a large non-digital thermometer, a small metal pan for water and 5 or more fertilized eggs. You can purchase fertilized eggs at a feed store or a farm house.)
Measure and mark two inches around the entire side of your cardboard box. Cut a hole on the side of your cardboard box. Tape your piece of glass where this hole was cut out. You can either tape the glass to the inside or outside. Make sure that you glass is sealed so that no air can come in or out.
Next, on the opposite side of the glass, measure and cut out a hole the size of the back of the light bulb socket. Place the socket inside the box, running it through the hole. Tape up the hole so that no air can get in or out.
Tape your thermometer to the back of the cardboard box. You can put it on the same wall as the light bulb socked- just place it on the opposite side. Make sure that you are able to see the thermometer through the front glass.
Carefully place your eggs in the bottom of the cardboard box. Fill the metal pan with water. Place this pan next to the eggs. This pan of water will help to keep the air moist.
Screw your 60 watt light bulb into the socket. Plug the electrical cord into a socket. The 60 watt light bulb will regulate the incubator’s temperature to 103Ã?° and 106Ã?°. Next place the lid on top of the cardboard box. The lid needs to be a tight fit. Do not tape the lid to the box because you will need to remove the lid daily in order to check on the eggs.
Every day you will need to check the temperature and make sure it is within 103�° and 106�°. If the temperature falls below 103�°, air is getting into the box. Re-tape the glass and light socket. If the temperature still does not get above 103�°, you can try a higher wattage light bulb. If the temperature in the incubator gets above 106�°, change the light bulb to a lower wattage.
Every day you will need to turn over the eggs at least once. You can do this twice, but no more. By turning the eggs over daily helps the chick grow correctly. If you do not turn over the eggs, the baby chick maybe deformed. You can also sprinkle water over the eggs from time to time.
You must make sure daily that there is water in the pan in the box. If there is not, add more water. You must also check the temperature daily and make sure that the temperature is within the correct ranges.
Your eggs will hatch around 22 days in incubation.