How to Make the Best Frog Setup or Habitat

The first thing you will need to know before you purchase anything or set up a frog habitat, is what type of frogs you want to place in the setup. You can have aquatic frogs or land frogs or even a combination of both of them. You will want to make sure that the frogs will not eat eachother before placing them together. One frog that will eat smaller frogs is a Pacman frog. Once you know what type of frogs you want in the setup, you will need to know how many frogs that you want to have. If you only want a few frogs that stay small, you can get a small habitat. If you want a frog that get’s really big such as a Pacman Frog you will need a large habitat for the frog.

They make really nice Exo-Terra screen habitats that you can purchase for land frogs. One nice screen habitat is located here Screen habitats are nice because they give you fresh air and they are ideal for snakes, lizards and frogs. You can also buy habitats that are enclosed with glass that have doors that open in the front. Some of these you can fill with about four or five inches of water for aquatic frogs. You can them place bigger objects on top of the water with some moss. You can use rocks to build up the land and place aquatic frogs and land frogs together as long as they wont interrupt eachother.

If you have land frogs you will need to keep the tank at about 50-70% humidity and you can purchase a humidity meter from any local pet store. You can achieve humidity by misting the tank down with water on a daily basis. You can also place a few water dishes in teh tank and place damp sponges in the tank and water dish. This will help hold in the humidity. A solid tank will hold in moisture a lot better than a fresh air habitat.

If you have aquatic frogs you will need to purchase an aquatic type of pellet food. If you have land frogs you will probably have to purchase something like crickets or waxworms. You will need to look up your specific frog to figure out which type of food the frog will eat. If you don’t have aquatic frogs you will probably need some type of small bark or peat moss for your habitat. There’s a risk of frogs eating moss or bark which can be a problem. Try to find some type of an alternative for land frogs.

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