How to Make the Perfect Resume

Tip 1: Have the right size text
When making a resume it is always appropriate to have the right size text. Employers look for resumes that are easy to read. Never have the text size on your resume less than 10 and more than 12.
However there is one exception to text size. This exception is for your name. The text size for your name should be around 24-26. The name is supposed to be bigger than the other text on your resume. This is important because you want employers to notice you.
Tip 2: Margins
Margins are important to your resume because it helps format how it looks. Depending on how much text and information you have on your resume the margins can differ. If you have less text on your resume then the margins can be a little bit bigger, if your have more text then the margins can be smaller so you can have more room.
Tip 3: Length and Style
Most professional resumes are usually only one page not including cover letter and references. The reason you’re resume should only be one page is because most employers glance at your resume for 30 seconds. If a resume is too long employers will not look at it.
You make notice that different computer programs offer templates for resumes. These templates can be helpful however it is more professional and creative if you make your own resume on a word document. Always type your resume on a computer, and NEVER write it. Also instead of printing your resume on regular white page use resume paper that you can purchase at a store.
Tip 4: Layout and Format
The layout and format of a resume is very important. Here are the things you should definitely put on your resume in this order.
Name, Address, Contact Information
Always put your name, address, and contact information on the top of your resume
When writing your resume always put an objective for the position you are applying for. An example of an objective can be: To obtain a sales position, or Interested in an internship in marketing. Make sure your objective is clear and right to the point. The objective should be stated in one sentence.
The next thing should put is any education you have. This includes high school, college, and etc. There you should state the school you went to, the years you attended, major or what diploma or degree you received. You can also mention your GPA, and classes that are related to the position you are applying for. Schools should be listed in chronicle order by year.
Experience is probably one of the main important parts of a resume. A lot of employers look for experience. Here you can put any work and volunteer experience. Put the company or place you volunteered for, dates, position, and describe what you did in these positions. Make sure to also list these in chronicle order by date, recent first.
Next you can list any special skills you have relating to the position these can include languages you know.
Here you can usually put available upon request. Most employers will let you know if they what references or not.
Make sure to follow these tips and you will definitely impress employers!