How to Maximize Your Curls: From Corkscrews to Waves

Ringlets/Corkscrew Curls
-Before curling air apply some sort of a curl activator or holding product, you can find many inexpensive versions that work well in the beauty isle of the grocery store or drug store.
-For a smaller ringlet use a thin curling iron a �½ inch barrel, for a medium spiral try a 1 or 1 �½ inch barrel.
-To make curling an entire head easier section the hair using clips or bobby pins, this will ensure that not part of the hair will be left uncurled.
-To get a the stiff curl look, popular for prom styles and up-do’s, wind the air in what should look like a spiral shape of air and barrel spray it with some sort of hair spray or spray gel before releasing the hair from the barrel. For this step you can use an inexpensive hair spray like Aqua Net or Wet n’ Wild.
-Once the entire head is curled style hair to your liking, adding in any pins or accessories that you would like. Then finish your do with another coat of hairspray. Don’t spray it directly onto the hair like the previous steps instead apply a light mist over the entire head.
Voluminous/Natural Curls
-This look has become increasing popular with many celebrities because it adds a sexy twist to wearing your hair down.
-You can achieve the same style in two different ways: by using a big barreled curling iron( a 2 inch barrel works best) or by using large hot rollers. Some people may suggest the Velcro rollers but they can be difficult to use without causing tangles.
-If you are going to use the iron, again it would be a good idea to section hair (8 should do) rather than curl the hair is a spiral as you would for ringlets just wrap the hair all the way up the barrel in the same place so it should look like barrel, hair , barrel. Hold for about 30 seconds and release.
-Don’t spray each curl as you go that will make it look stiff and unnatural. Rather lightly mist each section after you are through with it. Then give the entire style a spray when you are through with the whole head.
-If you are in a hurry you can easily achieve the same look by using hot rollers. A set usually comes with several different sizes, so it is best to use the medium ones towards the front of the head, the larger ones in the middle, and the smaller ones in the hair left over toward the bottom back.
-Leave them in for about 10 minutes, take this time to get dressed and do your makeup. Before you take out the rollers, give your hair a quick spray, style, and spray it again.
Applying heat and products can take its toll on your luscious locks so make sure you are using a good quality shampoo and conditioner. Pantene and several other popular brands make clean rinse formula shampoos that are helpful for washing curls out because it will rinse away any product residue.