How to Move Without Losing Your Mind

Next, scratch everybody from your list who says: “Oh, can I help you?” If they were good at moving, they’d have their own moving company, wouldn’t they? They’d also be rich-and have no time to fool around without moving insurance. (Plan ahead. Get yours now.)
In advance, look around every bend for The Moving Bandits. These are REALLY helpful people who do the following:
Advise you to rent a truck too big for all your belongings.
Fill the truck half full and then come down with a headache.
Stand around wondering how we’re gonna get this load out of town.
Offer to accept a payment for their help and then refuse the same amount.
Demand more than you can afford to complete the haul, after griping that you’re cheating them.
Complain to their families that you talked them into this horrendous task, and now you’re backing out of the deal.
Suggest you leave your car behind because they can always pick it up next week, when they’ll complete the trip.
Promise to be back and then admit that they are REALLY REALLY BUSY.
Send you angry e-mails, claiming they once admired you, but no more-not since you turned into a conniving cheapskate.
Refuse to carry anything anymore anywhere for you because they aren’t your hired help, and you will never again be their favorite people.
After you’ve forgotten that you ever knew these thugs, hire a company listed with the Better Business Bureau. Just dial their number on the Internet, and listen for the message. Do they subscribe to the principles of this organization? How many complaints have users filed against them in the recent past? How were the conflicts resolved?
Once you locate a reasonable PROFESSIONAL moving company, just tell them your pathetic story. They’ve heard it before, and they’ll hear it again. The only good news in this saga is this: You won’t be the one rehearsing your miseries over and over again.
You’ll be the one who gets to your destination on time.
You’ll be the one with your car in the parking lot just outside your new digs.
You’ll be the one who can’t believe that you made it to your new life in one piece.
You’ll be the one doing the happy dance in that big living room with all the boxes and the dog-what dog?
Well, the moving company didn’t contract to pack and haul him, did they? So, maybe you can tell me how we do this without dragging the Moving Bandits along? If you know of a company that moves pets without holding up your bank, your fortune is made! Associated Content is waiting for your story. And me? I’m just ecstatic that I don’t have to move for another year. How about you?