How to Obliterate a Flea Infestation

I owned a few pets as a kid. The best thing about animals would have to the companionship and unwavering love they exhibit toward people. The worst thing about animals is the fact that they are flea magnets.

If your home has been overtaken by minuscule pests that like to call the family dog “home”, My first suggestion would be to bomb the house. Use either a grenade or flea bomb from the vet. Granted, blowing up the house would be messy. But it is also the quickest solution.

Most people will probably choose the flea bomb. If that is indeed the case, You are in for an interesting journey. House pets tend to spread the infestation to very unfortunate locations. One example is your bed room.

I realize that everyone isn’t big on Arson., so burning the sheets is out of the question. Kill fleas and their eggs by soaking bed sheets in hot water for thirty minutes. Dry them outside or in the dryer.

Avoid a sequel by attacking the unwanted guests on their own turf. Do the proverbial drive by shooting by using Advantage, or any other Flea deterrent on your pet. You can buy these as either topical drops or edible tablets.

Next, Whip out the ol’ Hoover and vacuum the entire family(or just the house)! Mix salt and baking soda together, then sprinkle it over the carpet and furniture. After a few hours, enter the room again and vacuum the mixture up.

If all else fails, rent a monkey. Inform the people at your local Zoo of the problem. I’m sure they’ll have no trouble with letting you barrow one of their chimps, for a price. I have no idea what the rates are, but The well being of ones family is priceless.

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