How to Organize To-Do Lists

So, how do I go about deciding which things are important enough to go on the list? Especially when it feels like the whole world has dumped all the crap it could muster on your shoulders? Well, every morning part of my routine is sitting down and deciding on one or two things that HAVE to be done that day. These things are generally large tasks that will take a while – or a lot of energy – to do. This way, if I make sure I’ve done those two things I can call it a good day.
I put those two things at the top of my list, and then a few smaller errands or chores below them. I try to get a little bit done everyday, and by the time the weekend rolls around I have time to spend with my friends and family.
Now, let’s talk about what we put this heavenly list on! I prefer to use just a basic pad of paper (like those yellow pads). I use white because sometimes a girl just needs to color code her priorities. Take note however, that there are several programs you could use as well. I find them to be pointlessly complicated, but to each their own. I like to keep it simple, so I can easily see what I need to do during the day.
Speaking of color-coding, it helps a lot. On those few days when my weekly to-do lists have gone awry, and I need to know what needs to happen first, color-coding is a lifesaver! So, invest in yellow, orange, blue, and green highlighters. Or whatever colors you wish…I guess. 😉
I order my colors from Yellow to Orange to Green. Then when I’m finished with one task, I scratch it out with a big black marker! I don’t highlight something if it is just there for show, but that rarely happens.
Take note, it’s unnecessary to put something on your list that doesn’t have to be done that day. If you make a new list everyday, then you will keep yourself from being overwhelmed, and underproductive.
I am an avid To Do List maker, and will definitely vouch for this system. I hope it helps all you fellow list makers!