How to Organize Your House for the Summer

No one wants to live in a mess or clutter especially in the summer time. Summer is when everyone has gatherings, parties, and guests visiting. You definitely don’t want your guests to think you are a packrat or pig. So to begin the process of organizing here some tips.
Tip 1: Trash and Recyclables
Start collecting all the trash or recyclables in the house. Trash includes anything that you don’t think is valuable, smells, or is just in the way. Recyclables include anything from paper, cans, bottles, plastic, and etc. After collecting the trash and recyclables separate the two groups and start putting them into bags. Then throw out all the garbage into garbage cans, and put all the recycling into recycling bins, or go to a recycling center.
Tip 2: Clean out all your junk or old items
Do you have things that you haven’t used for years, or are collecting dust somewhere? To have more room at your house or apartment you need to get rid of some stuff. Some of the best things to do to get rid of your old junk or items are to have a garage sale, or donate them to a charity. This way in return you can get some cash back for the things you haven’t used in a long time, and recycle and give back to the environment.
Tip 3: Organize your belongings
Organize your belongings and put things where they should go. For example, organizing includes folding or hanging clothes, labeling drawers and putting things into groups. You could put all your office supplies in one drawer, or your child’s toys in another one. If you group similar things together you will be able to remember where they are and it will look a lot neater. Another thing you can do is buy files for all important paper work like taxes, work projects, or school assignments.
Tip 4: Clean
Organizing your house usually coincides with cleaning it. This includes dusting, washing things, wiping windows or walls, and etc. After cleaning you will definitely feel better about the place you live in.
Tip 5: Remodel
After you organize your house or apartment you may want to give it a new look, or add new furniture, or move things around. This is always good because you will have more room to do so. Be creative and enjoy the space you have. Remodeling doesn’t have to cost a lot. It can cost anywhere from $10-50 if you want to.
These are just a few tips on how to organize your living space that is personal to you and that you should be proud of. After organizing you will notice the reactions from your friends and family and they will love what you have done.
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Posted by john in Decorating & Design