How to Organize Your Refrigerator

The first step to organizing your refrigerator is start by taking all the items out of your refrigerator. Then you need to sort through the items and throw away anything that’s expired. If you can’t find a date, and have no idea when you bought it, chuck it.
How to Organize Your Refrigerator Tip #2: Buy Fridge Packs
To keep your refrigerator organized, buy fridge packs the next time you purchase soda. This ensures that the sodas aren’t scattered all over the shelves. If you purchase bottled water, it actually helps to stash the bottles in one of the crisper drawers.
How to Organize Your Refrigerator Tip #3: Place Tall Items in the Back
To avoid losing items in your refrigerator, keep the tall items in the back so that you can keep up with the smaller items. It’s not fun to pull out a gallon of milk only to realize that there is a moldy package of cheese in the back of your refrigerator.
How to Organize Your Refrigerator Tip #4: Keep Like Items Together
Another way to organize your refrigerator is to keep like items together. This also helps to avoid losing items. For example, you may find a good sale and purchase ten cans of crescent rolls. After you’ve used five cans, you may lose track of how many you purchased. If these items are scattered all over the refrigerator, you may find them after they’ve expired.
How to Organize Your Refrigerator Tip #5: Put All the Condiments in the Door
It’s annoying to try and pull a large item out of your refrigerator when there are several small containers of condiments in front of that large item. You end up pulling, moving the little bottles, pulling some more, moving some more…… Next thing you know there is pickle juice all over your floor. This is why it’s best to keep condiments in the door.
How to Organize Your Refrigerator Tip #6: Use See Through Containers
There is something horrible about pulling a container from your refrigerator, opening it, and wondering what it is. Or if you know what it is, not knowing when you put it in there. How old are those baked beans anyway? Didn’t you make baked beans last month? When you organize your refrigerator, use containers that you can see through.
How to Organize Your Refrigerator Tip #7: Stack Items Properly
When you get home from the store, keep your refrigerator organized by stacking the items properly. It’s tempting to just chuck the items in the fridge, grab a cold drink and rest, but you’ll regret it later. Take the time to put like items together and stack them properly. This will also make it easier to find the items you need, when you need them.
How to Organize Your Refrigerator Tip #8: Remember How Much Space You Have
When you see a great deal at the store, it’s easy to forget the size of refrigerator. Before you buy three watermelons, think about the size of your refrigerator. Will it actually hold those three watermelons? An overstuffed fridge is not an organized fridge.
How to Organize Your Refrigerator Tip #9: Don’t Overstock
When you constantly have to remove items to get to what you actually need, your refrigerator is not organized. Avoid the temptation to overstock your fridge. Instead, leave enough room to where things can be pushed out the way to get to what you need.
How to Organize Your Refrigerator Tip #10: Clean Out Often
It’s important to clean out your refrigerator at least once a week. Before you go to the grocery store, look in your fridge and see what you have on hand. Then throw away anything that’s old. This ensures that you have room for your new groceries and that your refrigerator stays organized.