How to Organize a Closet

Well, take heart, you are not alone. In fact 90% of homeowners say they ‘plan’ to organize a particular part of their house at some point. You have already taken the first step to doing just that – organizing the one area that lurks behind closed doors. Let’s look at some simple ideas that can make your storage space a place to admire.
Step One: Designate five areas of your room. The areas should include, trash, give away, sell, keep, and remove. You may personally have no desire to take the time to sell something, whether on EBay or a garage sale for example. If this is the case simply create four sections instead of five. Go ahead and grab a couple of trash bags and mark one as trash and the other as give away. This way, these items are already packed and ready to go when you are finished with your project. The category ‘remove’ will include items that you want to keep, but they don’t belong in this closet. Take these items and put them in a more convenient place in your home.
Step Two: Begin removing items from the closet and put them in the appropriate pile. This part may seem overwhelming so it is wise to get a friend or family member who can encourage and assist in completing the daunting task. Start from the bottom and work your way up. If you are working on a closet with clothing on hangers, do that last. You will quickly find that putting things in the ‘keep’ and ‘remove’ is a fairly simple task. However, ‘trash’ and ‘give away’ becomes a little more challenging. When you pull out that lime green alarm clock that you received in 1992, it is important you ask your self a few questions before throwing it in the pile with your everyday business attire. When was the last time I used it? Does it work? Would someone else find this useful? Do I already have something like this that meets my needs? If you are emotionally tied to it, ask yourself why. Do you already have something that represents this part of your life? Do you have more than one of these? Is there someone special you would want to pass this on to? Remember that friend or family member that should be assisting you? Ask for their input and then – make a decision.
Step Three: Separate items in your keep pile and return them to their home. You’ve done it! You have persevered through the tough part now look and see what you have left. Take your items and separate them into categories. Example of categories would be shoes, purses, papers, clothing, sports equipment, books, and games to name a few. Plan on putting items that are not used as often on higher shelves. It is recommended that you utilize clear boxes so that it is easy to see what’s stored in case you need something. Items that you use more often can be placed on the floor in additional clear boxes or baskets for each reach. There are many organizing shelves and hanging bags that you can purchase that can assist in displaying and organizing your shoes. Separate your clothes by pants, shirts, dresses, and sweaters for an easy find. The best advice to remember is, make it functional for its intended use.
Now that you have reviewed these steps, it’s time to get to work. When you have finished you will find your things easier. You won’t dread opening that closet door. Your storage is now convenient and there is no over flow. You will have peace of mind that you are not apart of the 90% of homeowners planning – you’re doing.