How to Pack for a Move in One Weekend

The first thing that you will need to do is pick up all of the packing supplies that you will need. This way you will not have to worry about going out to get more packing items at the last minute. You will probably need a lot of packing boxes, a lot of tape, and whatever other items you will need to pack your stuff. The next thing that you will need to do is recruit some help. It is a known fact that the more people you have help the quicker things will get done. If however you are limited on help you can still get the job done. You may also want to pick up some coffee so that you can work at late as possible. Of course how long it takes you to pack also depends on how many items you have to pack.
One you have all of the equipment and help that you need your next step is to start packing. If you have help then you should try to assign each person to a different room. Most people prefer to pack their bedroom items themselves. If this is the case then you can assign one person to the kitchen and one person to the living room and so on. Then you will need to make it very clear how each individual is to pack the items, and that they should make sure hat each box is clearly labeled with the room name. For example anything being packed in the living room should go into a box that is clearly marked living room.
You should also make sure that if anyone comes across any paper that look important that they should immediately inform you so that you can check to see if it is something that should be kept or thrown out. The same would go for any item that may appear to be broken. You should also avoid chit chatting too much with others that have actually come to help you pack. It always seem s to happen that when you have friends or family members come over to help you pack that you usually end up spending more time socializing instead of packing. You should also try to take as few breaks as possible, and any item that you come across that you no longer use or don’t really need just put it into your garbage pile. It does not make any sense to pack something that will only gather dust at your new place.