How to Paint a Linoleum Kitchen Floor

The first step to painting your kitchen floor is to clean it. You might assume, this step, but just in case I added it. The next step is to sand your linoleum floor lightly. Sanding your linoleum floor will allow the paint to stick properly and ensure a long lasting life. After you have sanded the linoleum floor, you should clean it again. Make sure all dust is removed and the surface is smooth. Any dirt will show through the paint and make your linoleum floor look lumpy.
After the sanding you are ready to paint your linoleum kitchen floor with oil base primer. Using an oil base primer will help your work lasts. You can use a water base primer, but you may not be able to reap the rewards of your labor quite as long. Don’t forget you will be mopping and cleaning your painted linoleum floor on a regular basis and oil repels water.
Now you are ready to paint the base coat of paint on your linoleum kitchen floor. After the base coat dries you can tape it off in different designs to create the look you want in your kitchen.
Diamond patterns, a faux painted rug, imitation tile looks and even circles are all great ideas for your kitchen. Take ideas from decorating magazines. Also take cues from your existing kitchen. Most people painting their linoleum kitchen floor are on a budget, so to save even more money makes sure your painted floor matches your existing cabinets and appliances. You can antique your painted floors by rubbing a mixture of half glaze half stain on the floor with a rag. To paint a fake rug on the floor of your kitchen tape off the area you wish to be the “rug.” Add a border and designs in the middle to make it look as real as possible. It would even be fun to paint a little floor mat in front of your kitchen sink. Best of all these painted rugs allow you to easily clean you linoleum floor while still adding a sense of warmth to your kitchen.
Now that your base coat of paint and any added touches have dried completely you are ready for the final step in painting your kitchen linoleum floors. You will need to paint your floor with at least three layers of clear coat. An oil base clear coat is a must if you want your floor to continue to look good for as long as possible. If you have the time I recommend painting at least three coats of varnish on your floor. Allow each layer of clear coat to fry before you begin painting the next layer.
Once everything has dried, only walk on your painted linoleum floor with socks for about a week. This is a curing period. After that you can enjoy you hard work!
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Posted by john in Decorating & Design