How-to: Paint like a Pro

Why higher professionals to paint your house when you can do it yourself for free? You do not have to be a professional to paint your house. I will let you in on some great tips to use when getting ready to paint your house. When painting, I like to work with as much space as possible. I do not like to worry about getting paint on furniture, so I remove all things from the room that may be in my way. Then I am sure you don’t want anything to get on the floor, so you want to cover it with plastic or newspaper. You will find it easier if you tape the plastic to the baseboard. Then look at all of the walls and see if there are any holes or cracks. If you have any holes or cracks take care of them with lightweight joint compound, it dries quickly.

It is good to start off with putting a primer on first. Primers can cover stains so when you paint they won’t show through. When painting, I paint the walls first and then the trim. I hate getting paint on the trim when I am working on the wall. If you want to do the trim first you can tape the wall surrounding it. When done, pull tape off and work on the wall. When painting the wall, paint Y’s and then fill in the remaining gap between the outline. This method ensures that the job your doing will be even and professional like. Basically you are making an outline and working from the outside in.

When blending the wall’s edge and whole perimeter go as close to the wall as you can with a roller. Then you can use a paintbrush to get what the roller can not reach. To do around windows, you can tape up the edges of the glass. Use a paint brush for this job. Do not apply a lot of paint to the paint brush because then it will just leak. When working on doors, start at the top and work your way down. Use a minimal amount of paint near the doorknob. When cleaning up, just wash the paintbrushes and rollers with warm water and some soap detergent then shake dry. Now that you read my tips, go out to your local hardware store and buy some paint and give your painting a shot!

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